52-townhouse complex set for likely vote Sept. 25

Taxes paid on 691 & 693 Rivervale Road

Incandescent site layout
Incandescent site layout

RIVER VALE—A third Joint Planning Board hearing on a controversial proposal by Incandescent Development LLC to build 52 townhomes at 691 and 693 Rivervale Road is set for Wednesday, Sept. 25, at 7:30 p.m. at the Senior Community Center.

The hearing follows two prior postponements, on April 24 and July 17. Land use administrator Maria Haag confirmed last week that the hearing is still on for Sept. 25. No reasons were provided for the earlier postponements, but a possible tax lien sale on the properties complicated matters.

Deputy Tax Collector Kelly Lombardy told Pascack Press on Sept. 17 that “all previously unpaid taxes” at 691 and 693 Rivervale Road have been paid, and “there will be no tax lien sale this year.” A public notice posted Sept. 13 for an Oct. 17 tax sale listed the two properties’ unpaid 2023 taxes, totaling $83,647.83. The notice listed V.E.R. Corp, owned by Nicholas Forcellati, as the owner of both properties.

According to the notice, the total tax lien sale amount for 691 Rivervale Road was $65,026.09, and $18,621.74 for 693 Rivervale Road. These amounts have now been settled, clearing the way for the hearing to proceed as planned.

Development and Variances Requested

Incandescent Development LLC, based in Hackensack, is seeking to build 52 townhomes on the 5.4-acre property, which is currently owned by Forcellati under V.E.R. Corp. The development proposal includes eight affordable townhouse units, consisting of four townhomes with two affordable units each, along with 44 market-rate townhomes.

The applicant is requesting preliminary and final site plan approval, along with several variances from township zoning regulations. These include a use variance for the townhouse development, a height variance for buildings up to 38 feet where 32 feet is the maximum allowed, and a bulk variance for impervious coverage, requesting 48.1% where 40% is permitted. A design waiver is also sought for minimum active recreation space, proposing approximately 7%.

The developer’s public notice, published on Jan. 9, 2024, outlines additional site improvements such as landscaping, drainage, impervious surface reduction, and lighting. The project also requires approval for major soil movement and other potential design waivers.

Next Steps in the Process

The applicant’s planner, Brigette Bogart, is scheduled to testify at the upcoming hearing, with questions from the board and the public to follow. After her testimony, if the applicant does not recall any prior witnesses, board chair Scott Lippert is expected to open the meeting for final comments from board members and the public. If time permits and no additional information or testimony is required, a vote could be taken at the end of the meeting.

Haag previously told Pascack Press, “There should only be one more meeting which will end with a vote by the board.” If a decision is not reached on Sept. 25, it could be postponed to a later date.

The proposed development has drawn significant public interest, partly due to the variances and waivers requested and the inclusion of affordable housing units. The 30-plus documents related to the Incandescent Development application are available for public review on the Joint Planning Board page at rivervalenj.org.