COMMUNITY VOICES: Proudly with Simone and Hastings in Westwood

To the editor:

I am very proud to be on the Westwood ticket with two of the most amazing people I have had the opportunity to know and call friends. Lea Simone and Iraj Hastings embody all that we want for Westwood.  Like me, they are raising their families here as they appreciate all that Westwood has to offer and they see the potential that Westwood still has. Westwood is evolving with the times.  Many other communities look to Westwood to lead the way on a variety of important issues. It is Lea’s and Iraj’s forward thinking mindset that will keep Westwood at the forefront, while still maintaining that small town feeling that has us all wanting to raise our families here.

Both Lea and Iraj are very involved with the community.  Lea is an active member of the Green Team, the Celebrate Westwood Committee and the Brookside PTO. Iraj is involved with Westwood Softball and the Community Band. Both candidates have impressive work and volunteering resumes. 

However, the thing that impresses me most with both Lea and Iraj is who they are: smart, capable, good-natured people looking to do what is best for our Westwood community. They want our Westwood businesses to thrive, and have new ideas to help make that happen. They understand and appreciate sustainability and have been actively working to achieve success in this field.  They know what it is like to worry about the rising costs of living in Westwood, and share the concerns brought up by many residents in regards to affordability.  

Elect Lea Simone and Iraj Hastings to Westwood Council because they will represent you, all of you in Westwood. They understand your concerns, and they are ready to bring solutions.   I couldn’t be more proud to have my name listed among theirs. 

Jodi Murphy
Westwood mayoral candidate