Stonybrook pool membership dips; $1M gross revenue seen


HILLSDALE—Councilwoman Abby Lundy reported on July 16 that membership registration at Stonybrook Swim Club & Pool is “slightly down” this year.

Lundy noted that revenues are down by “just under $15,000” at the pool. She said the pool revenue this year is $930,455, with over $80,000 in payments still due from the snack bar, camps, and the swim team pool rental.

She mentioned that the pool commission met on July 10 and that the June pool commission minutes were subsequently posted online.

At a recent meeting, Councilor John Ruocco and Lundy clashed over an ordinance requiring that pool commission minutes be filed with the borough clerk “within a reasonable amount of time after the commission’s approval.”

Ruocco previously charged that commission minutes were not being posted in a timely manner. He also charged that sometimes the Recreation Commission was not posting minutes promptly.

On April 9, Ruocco said he had to wait two months to get Pool Commission meeting minutes and suggested a revision to have minutes available within 35 days from the original meeting.

However, Lundy said the commission minutes change was not to expedite the minutes but rather to address “certain people who request council minutes in an unreasonable period of time or badger commission members for minutes.”

At the ordinance’s May 7 public hearing, Ruocco voted to approve the change for providing minutes. The pool commission oversees a million-dollar municipal utility, which is not funded by municipal property taxes.

Lundy mentioned that a comedy night at the pool on July 11 drew about 50 attendees but did not confirm whether it made a profit. She noted that a new television and music system was recently installed, the facility had been crowded due to hot summer weather, and police were addressing parking issues.

Later on July 16, Ruocco raised concerns about the pool commission’s proposed incentive bonus program for its employees. Lundy responded, noting the June commission minutes addressed his questions.

Lundy said that the commission bonus program is operated by an independent commission “over which you [Ruocco] have no purview. I don’t understand all these questions … It’s also not taxpayer dollars.”

Ruocco said the incentive bonus program “is a good thing if it’s done professionally and correctly.”