Dreyerman vigil

Dreyerman vigil

Rabbi Dov Drizin blows the shofar Sunday evening at Valley Chabad during a candle lighting ceremony honoring David, Michele, and Brooke Dryerman, remembered for their generosity and strong community ties following a tragic car accident. Photo of Rabbi Drizin by John Snyder; the Dryermans’ image appeared on the front of a Hebrew prayer guide with English transliteration provided by Valley Chabad.

Rabbi Dov Drizin blows the shofar Sunday evening at Valley Chabad during a candle lighting ceremony honoring David, Michele, and Brooke Dryerman, remembered for their generosity and strong community ties following a tragic car accident. Photo of Rabbi Drizin by John Snyder; the Dryermans’ image appeared on the front of a Hebrew prayer guide with English transliteration provided by Valley Chabad.

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