OLD TAPPAN, N.J. —— On Sunday, Dec. 17 at 6 p.m., the local Jewish communities of Old Tappan, Norwood, Harrington Park, Northvale and Rockleigh, will gather together with local dignitaries, family and friends in Old Tappan’s Oakes Park for the annual unity Menorah lighting and festival.
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The event has been sponsored by Chabad of Old Tappan and Foodtown. The celebrations will include a klezmer music band, a magic show and Chanukah refreshments.
This event is open to the entire community free of charge.
“Chanukah is a holiday that enriches our lives with the light of tradition,” said Rabbi Mendy Lewis, of Chabad of Old Tappan. “In ancient times our ancestors rededicated the Temple in Jerusalem with the Menorah. Today, we rededicate ourselves to making this world a better and brighter place. Chanukah also propagates the universal message that ultimately good will prevail over evil, freedom over oppression and light over darkness.”
For directions, for more information about this event or other local Chanukah activities and events or to be an event sponsor, visit the website www.chabadOT.org/chanukah or call (201) 767-4008.