HILLSDALE—A special meeting of the mayor and council is set for Thursday, Feb. 10 at 4 p.m. on Zoom. The purpose of the meeting is for the governing body to enter into closed session to conduct interviews for a potential borough administrator.
Formal action may be taken.
The borough lost its business administrator, Christopher Tietjen, and DPW superintendent, William Haffler, in resignations Mayor John Ruocco announced the night of Jan. 21.
“The mayor and council will be taking steps to fill these open positions as expeditiously as possible,” Ruocco said at the time.
The special meeting agenda and any relevant documents will be posted on the Borough’s website in advance of the meeting at hillsdalenj.org under the “Government/Agendas & Minutes” section.
Here’s the Zoom meeting login. Meeting ID is 894 566 4822. Passcode is 07642.
Tietjen started as Hillsdale’s BA and qualified purchasing agent in December 2019 at a salary of $115,000, taking over for an interim admin, who had been filling in after Jonathan DeJoseph, learning he would not be given tenure, resigned.
In September 2021 Tietjen signed a four-year contract with Hillsdale at $129,000 annually, plus benefits, with raises of 2% every Jan. 1. Nevertheless, he is leaving to take a job, effective Feb. 22, as business administrator in Wayne Township, Passaic County.