A first Planning Board hearing is scheduled July 21 at 7:30 p.m. for a proposal to redevelop property at 12 Railroad Avenue— currently a Citgo station—into a 2,899-square-foot convenience store with three gasoline pumps and an overhead canopy.
A developer with over 150 combined gasoline service and convenience store locations throughout the Northeast is behind the proposal. The site currently includes a Citgo service station with two fuel dispensers, no canopy and a two-car bay recently for rent and previously used as an automotive repair shop.
The proposal would be to demolish the existing station and construct a new three-pump service area with a convenience store on site.
Atlantis Management Group LLC, Mount Vernon, N.Y., has requested 13 variances from borough code, plus seven variances for signage.
Atlantis Management Group (AMG) is a private company that acquires, develops and operates branded gasoline service stations and convenience retail stores in New Jersey, New York, Connecticut and Massachusetts.
AMG works with fuel providers including BP, Exxon, Mobil, Citgo and Conoco Phillips, and retail outlets such as 7-11, Dunkin Donuts and Atlantis Fresh Markets.
AMG is leasing the 12 Railroad Ave. property, Block 1601, Lot 15 on tax maps, and has applied for site plan, conditional use and variance approvals. A public notice appeared in print July 11 for the July 21 virtual hearing.
Some variances from the conditional use standards for service stations include: lot coverage, 60 percent allowed and 76.8 percent proposed; parking, 15 spaces required and 13 proposed; accessory structure (canopy) in front yard where none is permitted; sidewalks along building, 5 feet required and 0.67 feet proposed; loading area screening, 8 feet required and 6-foot-high fence proposed.
Of seven sign variances requested, examples include signs with three colors plus white proposed where two colors plus white or black allowed; three building signs proposed where one is permitted; and signs with an area of 58.92 square feet proposed where 40 square feet is allowed.
The applicant requests a major soil removing permit; a use variance to allow two principal uses on a lot; and conditional use variances to permit a service station within 1,500 feet from specific uses including a fire station, railroad tracks, a public entertainment facility (bowling alley) other gasoline service stations, a recreation field and a publicly owned building.
Applicant documents for the proposal and directions to attend the July 21 Zoom meeting are posted on the Planning Board website.
Price Meese Shulman and D’Arminio, Woodcliff Lake, are representing AMG at Planning Board hearings. Efforts to reach Gregory Meese for comment were not returned by press time.