COMMUNITY VOICES: Borough Will Again Impose Halloween Curfew, Mayor Says

To the editor:  

Autumn is again upon us, together with its beautiful colors and its many holidays. One of the holidays that the young people of our Borough look forward to is Halloween. 

The Mayor and Council is fully aware of the joys and problems that can result from Halloween customs and wishes to take this opportunity to ensure a healthy and safe Halloween. It has been a custom for a number of years that at 9 p.m. on Cabbage Night, Oct. 30, and Halloween, Oct. 31, a curfew shall exist for all children under the age of 18. It is the decision of the Mayor and Council to continue this custom and again impose this curfew for the safety of our children. 

In addition to this, we implore you, the parents of our Cresskill children, to check all the candy and other edible items they receive to ensure that they are safe for consumption. In past years, some problems have developed with young people not living in Cresskill causing damage and physically assaulting Cresskill residents. It is important that parents are aware of this and take necessary precautions to protect their children.

It is our desire that these precautions will allow your children to enjoy this holiday while providing for their safety. 

Thank you for your cooperation. 

Mayor Benedict Romeo