To the editor:
On Aug. 5, 2017, the Township of River Vale lost a very dedicated store keeper, Mr. Spyro Georgatos of Cousin’s Pizza and Restaurant (187 Rivervale Road).
Cousin’s Pizza and Restaurant is an old fashioned mom and pop operation, where everyone in the family works in the store. Spyro’s wife Irene comes in daily after working for the Board of Education in Bergenfield each day, and also on Saturday, along with their four sons. Nicky is the number one chef at Cousin’s; Chris handles the front end and lifts the 100 pounds of dough; Max works on Saturdays as the financial person due to his knowledge from his career on Wall Street, and to give Spyro a day off to relax and Ian assists wherever he is needed.
Five months ago, for the first time, Spyro became a grandpa to Max and Marilyn’s son, Alex. He was over the moon with joy and had such pride when he showed off pictures of Alex. He seemed to look and act younger once he was blessed to be a grandpa.
If you knew Spyro, you know that his family always came first. He worked long hours side by side with Nicky as they both prepared the great dishes for the customers. You would also know how very generous he was to all the organizations in River Vale.
This country was founded by mom and pop family stores who work for a better future. owners of family businesses are just like you and me, who put their pants on one leg at a time. Please support your local stores and remember that they pare a large portion of the real estate taxes.
Cousin’s Pizza and Restaurant is still being run the same way as before, with Nicky, Chris, and Ian working side by side everyday with IRene still coming in daily. Max is still coming in on Saturday to give each one of his brothers a day off. As you can see, Spyro laid down a strong foundation for his family, which is evident by their continued dedication to their father’s business.
In closing, I Paul Greco, would like to say, “that my dear friend Spyro made me a better man and person.” I lost a great man and friend on Aug. 5, 2017.
Paul Greco
River Vale