To the editor:
I am writing in support of Leigh Meola and Domenic Menafra for Northvale Council. This letter is an opinion and does not represent the views of the Northvale Council. Both Leigh and Dom are exactly what Northvale needs to buck the status quo and destroy the toxic one-party rule that has robbed Northvale of its independence. Putting Northvale first, not the desires of party bosses in Hackensack or Trenton, is what’s important to Leigh and Dom. Their priorities are Northvale’s priorities—lower taxes, more efficient and transparent government, improving the conditions of the parks and saying no to gigantic structures with height variances that destroy our main streets.
My election to the Council last year marked the beginning of a bipartisan Northvale and I welcome candidates who share these priorities and stand up for Northvale’s values, not the values or influence of the likes of Phil Murphy, Loretta Weinberg or the self-interested cronies who litter the New Jersey political landscape. When you vote for Leigh and Dom you can trust that these two candidates are not running for some future political gain but that they are sincere and genuine in their efforts. They want what you want which is to keep Northvale safe, affordable, and a small town where people can raise families in a positive environment. On election day make the right choice for an independent Northvale and vote for Leigh and Dom.