COMMUNITY VOICES: Voting Birkner, Falotico For Gun Safety

To the editor:

As an advocate who lobbies for safety reforms in New Jersey, I take a keen interest in legislation aimed at curbing gun violence. I support the Second Amendment right to bear arms, but also advocate for laws that encourage responsible gun ownership and aim to reduce firearm deaths. That’s why, as a resident of District 39, I am so disappointed at the inconsistent voting record of my state representative, Assemblywoman Holly Schepisi. 

Schepisi claims to support common sense gun legislation, and yet she repeatedly voted against a bill that would codify regulations defining justifiable need to carry a handgun. She cited “grave concerns” about the bill, claiming—with no supporting factual evidence whatsoever—that “it is almost impossible for a crime victim in New Jersey to get a concealed-carry permit.” 

While this kind of fear-mongering certainly appeals to her deep-pocketed NRA donors, it is woefully out of step with the majority of Americans. According to a 2018 NPR poll, 70% of all registered voters support banning high-capacity magazines with more than 10 rounds, including nearly 60% of Republicans responding to the poll.  And yet, Schepisi repeatedly opposed such legislation, voting against it in 2014 and again in 2018, proving that she is out of touch with her constituency.

Schepisi tries to distract from her dismal record by pointing out that New Jersey already has some of the strictest gun laws in the U.S. According to the Giffords Law Center to Prevent Gun Violence, that is true—however, what Schepisi conveniently fails to mention is that New Jersey also has one of the lowest gun death rates in the nation, thanks in large part to those very laws she voted against. Schepisi tries hard to paint herself an independent thinker, but her lock-step votes speak far louder than her words.

For these reasons, I am supporting District 39 Assembly candidates John Birkner and Gerald Falotico this election cycle.  Birkner has a proven track record of supporting common sense gun legislation, and as a retired police officer, Falotico understands the balance that is needed in supporting the Second Amendment, while also enacting safety reforms. Both have earned the Gun Sense Candidate designation from the grassroots gun safety group Moms Demand Action, and they deserve our vote on Nov. 5. 

Lisa Yakomin
Woodcliff Lake

Executive director, Keep NJ Safe