PASCACK VALLEY AREA, N.J.—American Legion General Leonard E. Wood Post 162 in Hillsdale recently made a $1,000 donation to the Eagle Scout project of Alex Saldana of Troop 36 in Oradell.
Alex, a student at River Dell High School in Oradell, is collecting clothes and contributions for necessities for the residents of New Jersey’s Veterans Memorial Home in Paramus. He’ll provide undershirts, socks, sweatpants, T-shirts, and personal hygiene items.
His project was brought to the post’s attention by the Bergen County Legion Adjutant. Alex’s mother Melissa and his father David have strong ties to the military: His father has served in the both the U.S. Marine Corps and the U.S. Army.
Post 162 has been a strong supporter of the veterans home for many years, providing donations and sponsoring monthly bingo games.
Post commander Douglas Frank told Pascack Press last week, “The pandemic, which devastated the veterans home and spurred investigations and many changes, put the post’s activities with them on hold. Still under investigation, the home is slowly recovering and Alex identified these needs and the fact that the home can now accept these items.”
Frank recalled that Alex was also in the news last year for playing taps every week at the home, and assisting in planting American flags for each resident who had died of Covid-19.
Post Vice Commander Mike Gela, who coordinates the post’s activities with the home, also directs the post’s annual poppy program.
Last year, Pascack Valley High School seniors Jennifer Pulsiano and Angelina Giustra in Jeff Jasper’s AP Government class held a virtual poppy drive at the school and directed the donations to the post for use at the veterans home, Frank said.
“With the issues at the home, the post put the donation on hold. Now the post is using their donation and adding to it, to support Alex’s project,” he said.
Frank and Gela expressed their thanks to the ladies, who have now graduated from PVHS, and to Alex for his project to provide these needed items to our aging veterans.
“The American Legion has a long record of support for scouting. Remembering and supporting those who served in the U.S. military is one of the key objectives of the Legion,” Frank said.
General Leonard E. Wood Post 162 in Hillsdale, is the post for residents of Hillsdale, Woodcliff Lake, and Old Tappan. Active membership includes veterans from the greater Pascack Valley, Northern New Jersey, and even out of state.
Its primary mission is to support and advocate for veterans, active military, and their families, and to foster patriotism and responsible citizenship to all.
American Legion membership is open to any person who served on active duty after Dec. 7, 1941.