The Englewood Police Department is seeking help identifying a suspect who was captured on surveillance video sexually assaulting an 83-year-old woman at 5:30 a.m. on July 28.
The attack occurred in the rear parking lot of St. Cecilia’s Church, at 55 Demarest Ave. in Englewood.
Detective Capt. Timothy Torell reports that the victim was walking across the parking lot when she was tackled into a doorway, where the attack continued until the victim was able to wave down a passing car, at which point the attacker walked away. The woman was injured during the attack.
Englewood detectives and the Bergen County Special Victims Unit hope that the suspect can be identified via still shots of the recorded attack, and the Bergenfield-Englewood-Teaneck-Hackensack Crime Stoppers group is offering a $1,000 cash reward for any information aiding the investigation. Anyone can provide tips at www.bergencrimestoppers.org, or by calling (844) 466-6789. Englewood detective can also be reached directly at (201) 568-4875.
The attacker was a Hispanic male, possibly in his thirties, and about 5 feet 6 inches in height. During the attack, he was wearing a backpack, light-colored pants, and dark shoes with light-colored soles.
Video footage is still being recovered from nearby sources that may show more detail of the alleged attacker’s appearance, and will be provided as detectives keep gathering information.
Englewood Police believe at this point that the attack was “random,” and that the suspect may have been local. They urge residents to be aware of their surroundings, especially when walking late at night or during early morning hours. Patrolling by uniformed and plainclothes officers has also been increased in the area, Torell reports.