PASCACK VALLEY—The ranks of candidates filing to run for council seats in most Pascack Valley towns — and mayoral contests in Montvale, Hillsdale, Park Ridge, Westwood and Woodcliff Lake — will likely increase as the official Monday, March 27 filing deadline arrives for the June 6 Primary Election.
The candidate filing deadline is 4 p.m., March 27 with municipal clerks.
Only River Vale does not have any local races this November. The Primary Election is June 6, with early voting June 2 through June 4. The General Election is Tuesday, Nov. 7, with early voting Oct. 28–Nov. 5.
The Primary Election allows registered Democratic and Republican voters to select the candidates to represent their parties in the November General Election. Unaffiliated voters can only vote in a primary by declaring a party affiliation prior to Primary Election day.
Consult your municipal clerk or the Bergen County Clerk’s Office for details.
Pascack Press will update last-minute candidate announcements in our next issue and online. Final Primary Election candidates may also be listed on the Bergen County Clerk website by March 31, said county election officials. Some towns did not release early filings and others had not yet received any filings, according to our informal survey.
Hillsdale: Ruocco aims to trade mayor’s gavel for council seat; Pizzella, Sheinfeld running for mayor
As of March 22, two candidates had filed for mayor in Hillsdale, where Republican Mayor John Ruocco recently announced he would not seek a third term. However, Ruocco has filed to run for one of two open council positions in the borough.
Longtime former Republican councilman Frank Pizzella has filed to run for mayor and he will be opposed by Democratic challenger Michael Sheinfield, who recently filed his petition, according to Borough Clerk Denise Kohan. Sheinfield, Hillsdale’s Democratic Party chair, has resided in Hillsdale since 2014.
Ruocco and Republican Clemente Osso have filed to run for two open council seats. The terms of Anthony DeRosa and Zoltán Horváth terms expire Dec. 31.
Watching Emerson for council moves
Emerson Borough Clerk Jane Dietsche noted no candidate petitions were yet filed in Emerson for two council seats open this year. The two three-year term council seats up for election are held by Council President Michael Timmerman and Councilwoman Ashley Rice. Their terms expire Dec. 31; the new 3-year council term runs Jan. 1, 2024 through Dec. 31, 2026.
Montvale: Ghassali seeks re-election as mayor; council papers filed
In Montvale, Mayor Michael Ghassali, recently hired as Hillsdale’s administrator, told Pascack Press recently that he would be running for reelection this year. Borough Clerk Fran Scordo said three petitions had been filed, including Ghassali, and the two Republican incumbent council members whose terms expire this year. Those are Theresa Cudequest and Douglas Arendacs.
Park Ridge: Keith Misciagna seeks re-election; two council seats in play
In Park Ridge, Democratic Mayor Keith Misciagna told Pascack Press he intended to run for another four-year term via email March 21. No other candidates had filed by March 21 with Borough administrator/clerk Maggie Giandomenico. She told us the two open council seats were from councilmen John Cozzi and William Fenwick, whose terms expire Dec. 31.
Township of Washington: Three seats in play
In the Township of Washington, three council seats will be open as terms for Council President Desserie Morgan, Vice President Steven Cascio, and Councilwoman Stacey Feeney expire on Dec. 31. No information was yet available on candidates from the clerk’s office.
Watching Westwood
In Westwood, Mayor Ray Arroyo had not yet indicated whether he planned a reelection bid. Council members Christopher Montana and Erin Collins, whose terms expire Dec. 31, had not yet filed for reelection.
Woodcliff Lake: Rendo says to watch Facebook
In Woodcliff Lake, two-term Mayor Carlos Rendo’s term expires on Dec. 31, also had not yet filed for reelection. Asked if he was running for reelection on March 21, he first replied via email, “No decision yet.” Later that day he said he would reveal his decision on March 27. “I will be announcing my intentions on a Facebook Live broadcast Monday at 8 p.m. on my Mayors page.”
Rendo started off 2023 with a series of informal “Coffee With The Mayor” in-person social events at Whole Foods Market and a monthly Facebook Live Q&A with the mayor to increase transparency and provide upfront information to residents about local issues.
Republican Rendo now helms an all-Democratic Council. Councilors Richard Schnoll and Josephine Higgins, whose terms expire this year, had also not yet filed for reelection