HILLSDALE—Fellow councilors and the mayor offered words of praise for departing councilman John Escobar, who leaves the council Dec. 31 after six years of dedication and public service to the borough.
Escobar, a Republican, lost his bid for reelection on Nov. 5. Colletti and Democratic newcomer Melissa S. Mazza Chiong snagged the two open council seats. Democrat Christopher Camp and Escobar placed third and fourth, respectively, in the contest.
At the Dec. 10 meeting, the mayor and council colleagues thanked Escobar for his service, offering personal anecdotes and sharing memories.
Mayor Michael Sheinfield said he wanted to thank him. “I’ve only done it for a year. You’ve done it for six years. You’ve got some thick skin, you’ve put up with a lot. You’ve done a lot… you give back to the community and sometimes it’s a thankless job,” said the mayor.
Councilor and immdiate past mayor John Ruocco said he “wanted to wish Councilman Escobar well as he goes off and does other things, other than staying up here on the dais.”
Coumcilman Clemente Osso said of Escobar: “I’ve known John for a while. I believe him to truly care about the well-being of town and for him to always be generous with his time.”
Councilwoman Janetta Trochimiuk thanked Escobar for his service on council, noting he was instrumental in supporting the Patterson Street development now under construction on the former Waste Management transfer station site. She noted the new development was estimated to “bring a substantial increase in tax revenues to the town.”
She said Escobar has “been a supporter and will always continue to be a supporter” of local police, fire and EMS services by “always putting safety first.” Escobar is also a firefighter for the city of Englewood.
Moreover, Trochimiuk said Escobar was “a champion” for local sports associations and was “always a voice” for the town’s more than 1,000 athletes. She also noted he was “a leader” in pushing for improvements at Centennial FIeld and Memorial Field.
“John has always said what was on his mind and he has always been a man of his word,” she added. “It’s been a pleasure serving with him, I want to thank him for his service, I want to wish him continued success in all of his future endeavors,” Trochimiuk said.
Councilor Robert Colletti thanked Escobar for his years on the council and “all the years that you and your wife, Trish, have volunteered time to the Hillsdale Hawks organization. Your service to the community goes far beyond what has occurred on this dais, so thank you,” said Colletti.
He thanked Escobar for being his running mate, “for engaging me, for having faith in me, and ultimately, for your guidance in the process, and your continued guidance means the world to me. It’s been a great pleasure getting to know you better through this process,” Colletti added.
Councilor Justin Fox thanked Escobar for his six years on council, noting he “served the borough with honor and dignity.” He said Escobar was not only a colleague but “also a friend” who encouraged him to get involved with local politics. “I don’t know if I should thank you for this but you’re the reason I got into politics,” he said, adding levity to the remarks.
Fox said that Escobar will “be greatly missed on this dais and I wish you the best of luck in your future endeavors.”
Escobar said he wasn’t prepared to talk on Dec. 10 but would have comments soon. “I’d like to thank everybody here for their kind words… I do want to thank everybody. It’s really been a pleasure, and it’s bittersweet, but it’s time to move on too,” he added.