NORTHVALE, N.J.—Borough Democrats seeking to hold onto their majority on the borough council this Election Day are challenged by Republican candidates in a fully contested race for two seats.
Local voters will elect two representatives to serve three-year terms on the borough council, while casting ballots for state and county officials on Election Day, Tuesday, Nov. 5.
Incumbent Democrat Councilman Louis DeLisio seeks a second term and is joined by Democrat nominee Edmund Devlin in Column 2.
In Column 1 are Republican nominees Leigh Meola and Domenico Menafra.
Councilman Michael Small, a Democrat, is not seeking reelection.
The council is currently composed of four Democrats and two Republicans. Mayor Patrick Marana holds the gavel.
We invited the candidates to submit a 250-word statement outlining their backgrounds and issues that are of importance to them; they appear in alphabetical order by last name. Asterisks denote incumbents.
Louis J. DeLisio*

—Political party: Democrat.
—Age: 65.
—Years of residency: 26.
—Career: Retired Superintendent of Schools.
—College degrees or certifications: College of NJ, B.S., Health and Physical Education; New Jersey City University, M.A., Administration.
— Family: Wife, Susan; daughters, Gina and Nicole.
— Past elected experience: Northvale Board of Education, 2000–2005; Northern Valley Regional Board of Education, 2012–2016; Northvale Borough Council, 2017 to present.
I have resided in Northvale for 26 years with my wife Susan. We have two daughters who are graduates of the Northvale and Northern Valley schools, as well as Boston University graduates.
During my time in Northvale, I have been an active volunteer in numerous community organizations and boards including: Northvale Recreation (coach of soccer and softball); Northvale Board of Education member (2000–2005), serving as president in 2005; Northvale Planning Board member (2007–2012); Northvale representative to the Northern Valley Regional High School Board of Education (2012–2016) including serving as vice-president (2013, 2014) and president (2015, 2016); the Northvale Library Board (2015–2016); and the Northvale Council (2017 to present). Additionally, I am a Bergen County Utilities Authority Commissioner (2011 to present), currently serving as vice-chairman.
Professionally, I am a retired educator having served forty years as a teacher, a high school coach and school administrator. Prior to retiring in 2015, I spent eleven years as the Superintendent of Schools for the Fairview Public School District. Since retiring I have worked in numerous school districts in the capacity of Interim Superintendent.
I have served one term on the council working to preserve the qualities that make Northvale desirable for families to reside and raise children. I’m committed to keeping Northvale affordable, preventing overdevelopment and maintaining the level of services residents have come to expect. I am aware of the fiscal challenges that small communities face and prepared to dedicate my time and effort toward conquering those challenges.
—Louis J. DeLisio*
Francis E. Devlin

—Political party: Democrat.
—Age: 60.
—Years in town: 58.
—Career: Operating engineer.
—Education: St. Anthony’s, Don Bosco, Fairleigh Dickinson University.
— Family: Wife, Kimberly; daughter, Kelly.
— Past elected experience: None.
My name is Ed Devlin. I have resided in Northvale for 58 years. I was born in the Bronx then lived my first two years in New Rochelle before moving to Northvale with my parents.
I’m married 32 years to my wife Kimberly and have one daughter, Kelly, who attended Northvale preschool and our grammar school. She then attended NVOT and went on to graduate from The University of Miami and is currently applying to dental school. While growing up in Northvale as a child, I participated in many recreational sports and was one of the original friars at St. Anthony’s church.
I am a 40-year member of the Operating Engineers Union Local 30. I have risen from the ranks of apprentice, mechanic, and engineer to become chief engineer.
I served as a member of the library board from 2015 to 2019 and also as a member of the planning board for the past 13 years. I am a member if the Northvale Volunteer Fire Department for 30 years and currently serve as the vice president of the Northvale Fire Association. I have served as a coach for my daughter’s teams in recreation sports through her school years. I am committed to working with our Mayor to stabilize taxes, keeping our community safe, and continuing to fight overdevelopment. It would be my pleasure to represent the families of Northvale and an honor to serve on the council to represent the best interests of Northvale. I am able to plan my work schedule to be be available to the mayor and council and residents of this town that I have loved for the past 58 years.
—Francis E. Devlin
Domenico Menafra

—Political party: Republican.
— Age: 37.
—Years of residency: 10.
—Career: Software engineer.
—College degrees or certifications: Bachelor and masters of engineering.
— Family: Married, two children.
— Past elected experience: National Engineering Honors Society, N.J. Alpha Chapter President.
I am running for Northvale council out of deep concern for responsible and balanced local government. In the last decade our town has transitioned from a budget surplus to a 13% tax increase over the last two years. In addition, unnecessary ordinances which add to our local tax bill continue to be proposed and passed by one party rule. I plan to use my proven leadership skills and technology-focused industry expertise to curtail unnecessary spending, promote transparency, and bring Northvale’s local government into the 21st century. To speak plainly, I want to do what’s right for Northvale first and foremost. I have a full time job in the private sector and have no ulterior political motivations aside from making sure Northvale remains a great place for all its residents to live and raise a family in. If elected, you can expect me to work relentlessly to maintain a responsible budget while preserving the essential services that make our town a desirable place to live.
I have held key, software focused leadership roles in developing and bringing successful products to market for Motorola, Siemens Healthcare and Crestron Electronics.
I have served as a volunteer at St. Anthony’s church in Northvale for the last 10 years and am also a certified youth sports coach. I currently volunteer in Northvale’s recreation soccer program where I assist in coaching both co-ed and girls traveling teams. I’m proud to live in Northvale and raise my family here and will always put its residents first.
—Domenico Menafra
Leigh Meola

—Political party: Republican.
—Age: 50.
—Years of residency: Raised in Northvale for 18 years, returned seven years ago.
—Career: Automotive technician.
—College degrees or certifications:
Certified ASE Master Technician; General Motors World Class Technician; Northwood University/General Motors, Executive Program in Advanced Leadership 2016.
— Family: Married, one son.
— Past elected experience: None.
I was born and raised in Northvale, where I attended local schools and graduated from Northern Valley-Old Tappan. Although I moved away from the area for a few years, my wife, Lauren, who is also an NVHS-OT graduate, and I returned to Northvale so our child Derek could attend the excellent public schools and benefit from the wonderful sense of community that we feel you can only get in a small town. Although Northvale has changed during the years since I was growing up, in many ways it has remained the same.
Northvale is a wonderful community, and I am glad to be a part of it. However, I feel there have been issues concerning a lack of government transparency and out-of-control spending. I have also felt that the appearance of our town could stand some improvement, and to that end, I have become one of the primary leaders of the Northvale Beautification Committee, where I have contributed to creating our butterfly garden among a multitude of other projects.
If elected, I plan to serve the community by supporting efforts to contain operational costs and to find cost-effective ways to improve the aesthetics of the town. I also would advocate to make council meetings more accessible to the public by live-streaming entire meetings.
I am committed to this community, and I want to give back to Northvale as a Council member. I look forward to meeting you and listening to your hopes for our town. I hope you will consider voting for me in November.
—Leigh Meola
Sample Ballot