CLOSTER—Borough voters will elect state, county and local leaders at the ballot box this Election Day, Tuesday, Nov. 5.
In the municipal election, incumbent Republicans Victoria Roti Amitai and Joseph Yammarino are challenged by Democrat nominees Linda Albelli and Clifton Lewis.
The Closter Borough Council is currently comprised of three Republicans and three Democrats. Republican Mayor John Glidden holds the gavel.
We invited the candidates to submit a 250-word statement outlining their backgrounds and issues that are of importance to them; here they are in alphabetical order by last name. Asterisks denote incumbents.
Linda Albelli

—Political Party: Democrat
—Age: 65
—Years of residency: 65
—Career: 45 years with Prentice-Hall/Pearson Education in Higher Education Publishing.
—College degrees: Associates from Berkeley College; attended St. Thomas Aquinas College, liberal arts.
—Family: Husband, Don; daughters, HyeMee and Katelyn; granddaughters, Emily and Madison; and mother, Clara Siebert.
—Past elected experience: Two terms serving on Closter Borough Council; council president for three years.
I have lived in Closter for my entire life and love my community with all of my heart. Through the years I have been active in town and served on the Borough Council from 2001 to 2006. After a 45-year career at Prentice-Hall/Pearson Education Publishing, I want to get back to work serving Closter, if I am fortunate enough to get elected on Nov. 5.
Here are just a few of the reasons to change the status quo in our local government:
• Hold the line on property tax increases.
• Advocate for Northern Valley Greenway Project, [an] 8-mile linear park built on an existing unused section of CSX Rail System where it will have something for everyone to enjoy.
• Guard against over-development in our town that could negatively impact our quality of live.
• Address parking issues in the downtown area and advocate for repairs to public parking lots for shoppers.
• Guard against cyber attacks on Borough computer systems where it has cost municipalities throughout the country hundreds of thousands of dollars in ransom.
• Work to make Closter an even better and desirable place to reside, run a business, raise a family, send our children to the best schools.
My running mate, Clifton Lewis and I pledge to work hard and work together with trust, transparency and integrity.
Thank you for your consideration on Election Day.
—Linda Albelli
Victoria Roti Amitai*

—Political party: Republican
—Age: Ageless
—Years of residency: 44.
—Career: Receptionist.
—College degrees or certifications: Fashion Institute of Technology, fashion design; state training in land use, municipal government courses; FEMA National Incident Management System NIMS IS 00700.
—Family: Married, three children.
—Past elected experience: Closter Borough Council, five terms.
Hello, my name is Vicky Amitai and I love Closter and work tirelessly to preserve its small town feel, open space and quality of life for future generations. For that reason I am serving, humbly, my fifth term on the council and am willing to serve again; it would be an honor.
As in any community, Closter has many issues affecting the residents’ daily lives. I have been in the forefront in addressing those issues for years. Here is a short sampler: master plan for future development; affordable housing to prevent high-density construction; soliciting residents’ participation on issues surrounding our schools; spearheaded new commuter parking lot, etc.
One of the top priorities is to keep property taxes as low as possible (capping increases at 2%) to ensure that living in Closter is affordable.
Our borough is at a tipping point. We have an ever-increasing volume of construction, commercial and residential, and I feel the knowledge I have gained will be an asset to help keep the balance and continue to contribute to making Closter a desirable place to live and raise a family.
Whether you vote by mail or in person please consider voting for me, Vicky Amitai, and my talented running mate, Joe Yammarino. Check out our Facebook page to learn more: “Vicky and Joe for re-election to Closter Council.” Thank you.
—Victoria Roti Amitai
Clifton Lewis

—Political party: Democrat
—Years of residency: 21.
—Career: structured finance.
—College degrees or certifications: Harvard College, B.A.; New England Conservatory, Master’s in applied voice; NYU Stern School of Business, M.B.A. in finance.
—Family: married with one son and two granddaughters.
—Past elected experience: None.
Clifton Lewis has lived with his wife Victoria in Closter for 21 years. He retired a few years ago from the structured finance industry, where he worked for 23 years, commuting daily to Manhattan.
As the son of a music professor and a high-school English teacher, education has always been very important to him. He attended Harvard College, then earned a master’s degree in singing from the New England Conservatory, as well as an MBA in Finance from the NYU Stern School of Business. He belongs to Bergen Grassroots, a local organization which is dedicated to transparency in government.
In retirement he occasionally works as a professional actor (his last job was a small part on HBO’s “The Deuce”) and singer (a cabaret act with his wife Victoria).
Clifton’s work in structured finance involved underwriting credit risk. As Councilman, he would apply these skills to ensure Closter taxpayer money continues to be spent wisely and efficiently with transparency.
As an avid cyclist, he strongly supports the proposed Northern Valley Greenway, a concept for an 8-mile-long, linear park running through six towns in Bergen County, which would be built on an existing unused section of CSX Transportation’s Northern Branch Corridor rail line north of Englewood.
Preservation of green space goes hand-in-hand with guarding against over-development, which is key to our quality of life in Closter.
—Clifton Lewis
Joseph Yammarino*

—Political party: Republican.
—Age: 56.
—Years of residency: Lifelong resident.
—Career: Investment professional, wealth management firm.
—College degrees or certifications: B.S. engineering, Lehigh University; M.B.A. finance, NYU Stern School of Business; Chartered Financial Analyst
— Family: Married to Paola; three boys, JB, Jared, and Jonathan; mom, Bella.
— Past elected experience: Closter Council, 2016 to present.
It is an honor to run for re-election to Closter Council.
When elected three years ago, I said I would bring to the Council fiscal responsibility, my ability to work with others, and problem solving skills. I delivered on all three promises.
As finance chairman, I presided over record low tax increases all three years. We reviewed every line item in the budget and made necessary cuts. When Standard & Poor’s reviewed Closter’s financial statements, our bond rating was upgraded from AA to AA+, allowing us to refinance our existing debt at much lower interest rates.
As technology chairman, I concentrated on improving systems—Closter will be able to accept credit cards, online payments and now has a Borough App.
When Closter needed an announcing booth at Memorial Field, bids were in excess of $100,000. I coordinated a group of volunteers (Boy Scouts/local professionals) to complete the project for a fraction of the cost.
It’s all about getting results!
I am on the Council to serve Closter; not beholden to either political party. I work alongside Democrats and Republicans. I at times have been the most liberal vote and the most conservative vote on the Council. I have been the lone voice against my fellow Council members. I simply do what I think is right.
There’s more to be done. I would like to continue and appreciate your vote. Find me on Facebook, email me at jyammarino@closternj.us, or just talk to me if you see me around town.
—Joseph Yammarino
Sample Ballot