ENGLEWOOD, N.J.—The Friends of the Englewood Library are holding their bargain fall book sale Oct. 18, 19 and 20.
“Great prices, quality, and variety are a keynote of this popular sale and visitors are likely to find just the book they are looking for,” say organizers. “One of the largest, most comprehensive book sales in northern New Jersey, the Englewood Library Book Sale is also known for its well organized shelves, friendly staff, and over 50,000 books sorted into categories.”
Categories include: Fiction, art, history, biography, cookbooks, children’s, African-American studies, Judaica, foreign language, gardening, poetry, nature, science, sports, psychology, self-help, business, Americana, as well as CDs and movie DVDs, classical records, signed books, and collectibles.
The funds received at the book sale are used to help provide programming and special enhancements for the patrons of the Englewood Public Library, such as passes to New York museums, film series, concerts and other programs.
“Our book sale success is partly due to the people who donate regularly and generously,” explained Ella Urdang, president of the Friends, “and to the fact that we cull books immediately after a previous sale, resulting in books that are in good condition and up-to-date… And, of course, to our hard-working FEL committee who have been working on restocking since the day after the last sale.”
On Friday, all books—adult, young adult, and children’s books—will be $2, or three for $5; and mass-market paperbacks will be five for $1. As usual, there will be some individually priced “Specials.”
Returning this year is “Saturday Day Half-Price Fever”—on Saturday, everything will be half price, including “Specials.”
On Bag Day Sunday, you can fill a grocery bag for $5, but no specials or DVDs will be included.
“As always, the Englewood Book Sale has excellent books for the collector and for the reading public, at fantastic prices,” say organizers.
The hours are 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. Friday, Saturday, Sunday, Oct. 18, 19 and 20. There is no admission charge. Come to the Friends of the Englewood Library Book Sale at Renaissance Office Center (side entrance), 15 Engle St. (next to Library). Do not park in reserved spots.
Call (201) 568-2215 or email librarybooksale@hotmail.com for further information.