PASCACK VALLEY AREA, N.J.—The Hillsdale Environmental Commission is set to distribute free 6-inch to 2-foot bare root tree seedlings as an Earth Day offering for the community on Saturday, April 24, from 9 a.m. to noon.
Seedlings are available at Veterans Park by the Hillsdale Train Station, Hillsdale Avenue and Broadway, on a first-come, first-served basis.
In the Township of Washington, the seedlings are available through the Green Team at the DPW yard, behind the Municipal Complex, 350 Hudson Ave., the same day, from 9 a.m. to 12:30 p.m., with a second day of pickups May 1, if supplies hold out.
Each seedling comes with planting and care instructions.
The Hillsdale Environmental Commission told Pascack Press last week, “These guides help residents choose the right place on a property to plant a tree, while considering the tree’s future full-grown size. Homeowners should plant the seedlings within two days after pickup to prevent the roots from drying out.”
The distribution will follow the state’s Covid-19 recommendations. Residents must wear a mask and adhere to social distancing to participate in the event.
The New Jersey Tree Recovery Campaign met its goal in 2019 of distributing more than 600,000 tree seedlings to New Jersey residents over the course of seven years. With recent storms and damage caused by several new invasive insects to New Jersey, the need for new tree seedlings is as significant as ever, prompting a seventh year of the campaign.
The commission says, “Among many benefits, trees improve the visual appeal of neighborhoods and business districts, increase property values, reduce home cooling costs, remove air pollutants, and provide wildlife habitat.”
For a list of distribution locations across the state, visit forestry.nj.gov or facebook.com/newjerseyforests.