PARK RIDGE—The Borough Council on April 23 recognized nine members of the third- and fourth-grade girls soccer team with certificates honoring their achievement as Northern Valley Indoor Soccer League Travel League Champions.
The girls team won the coveted Harnisch Cup in the indoor soccer league.
Council President John Ferguson noted, “We’ve had so many great athletes come through this system and it’s just wonderful to be able to recognize you girls for your accomplishments this indoor soccer season.”
During the Borough Council meeting, Ferguson recognized each team member with a handshake and certificate of achievement. The certificates read, “The Mayor and Borough Council of the Borough of Park Ridge do hereby bestow upon you this certificate of recognition for your years of soccer and your Iron Woman accomplishment.”
The documents are signed by Mayor Keith J. Misciagna.
Recognized were Emily Briscoe, Enza Hartoonian, Emerson Keenan, Bridget Prager, Jadyn Timpone, Jessica Dickins, Zara Kaplan, Katharine MacDonald, and Aria Reilly.
Ferguson further recognized head coach David Prager and coach James Dickins.
Prager said, “I just wanted to say congratulations to the girls. It was a great season, and a lot of fun working with you and thanks for recognizing their achievements. They did a really good job. Well done.”
The team posed for pictures after receiving their certificates.
Mayor Keith Misciagna shared a congratulatory note of his own on April 26, advising the girls, “Keep up the great teamwork and commitment to success and your team. These skills will help you accomplish all the goals you set for yourselves throughout the different chapters of your lives—way to go!” Cheers and congratulations from the community added to the mayor’s happy post.