[Update: Mayor cites ‘significant progress’ in talks] Hillsdale calls second emergency meeting, March 19, over ‘terminated’ police chief

Hillsdale Police Department
Hillsdale Police Department

HILLSDALE — The Borough Council has convened a second emergency meeting, Wednesday, March 19 at 8 p.m. over Zoom only, regarding recently terminated Police Chief Sean Smith, just one day before his scheduled disciplinary hearing. This follows a similar closed-session meeting on March 18, called after borough officials received unexpected settlement terms related to Smith’s termination.

The closed agenda item covers “Matters relating to litigation, negotiations and the attorney-client privilege – Police Personnel.”

The emergency meeting was scheduled under the Open Public Meetings Act’s emergency provisions (N.J.S.A. 10:4-9), bypassing the usual 48-hour notice requirement due to the urgency of resolving the matter ahead of Smith’s March 20 and March 21 disciplinary hearings at Borough Hall.

Smith has been on paid administrative leave since a formal complaint was filed against him, and sources confirmed that the disciplinary hearing will take place before retired Superior Court Judge Harry Carroll, who was hired by the borough in January as the hearing officer. Carroll will hear testimony and consider recommendations from the Bergen County Prosecutor’s Office, which investigated the complaint.

Although the nature of the charges against Smith has not been disclosed, officials confirmed that the hearing will be open to the public, though public comment will not be permitted. Borough Administrator Mike Ghassali stated that attorneys for both the borough and Smith—Raymond Wiss of Wiss & Bouregy, PC, Westwood—are working out final details of the proceedings.

Smith, a 27-year veteran of the department, was sworn in as chief in January 2024, following the retirement of former Chief Robert Francaveglia.

Requests for comment from Smith were not returned.

How to Attend the Emergency Meeting

This Emergency Meeting will be held electronically only on March 19 at 8 p.m. Members of the public may participate by calling in or joining via Zoom. Individuals will be able to fully participate except during the closed session portion of the meeting. A public comment period will be included in the open session.

The meeting agenda and relevant documents are available at www.hillsdalenj.org under the “Government/Agendas & Minutes” section.

Zoom Meeting Details:

🔗 Join Zoom Meeting: Click Here
🆔 Meeting ID: 462 480 3814
🔑 Passcode: 07642

📞 Dial-in Option:
Call: +1 929 205 6099 (New York)
Enter Meeting ID: 462 480 3814
Enter Passcode: 07642

Pascack Press will continue to report on this developing story as the hearing unfolds.

UPDATE, Wednesday, March 19 at 9:54 p.m.

A statement issued by Hillsdale Mayor Michael Sheinfield on mediation talks on the disciplinary matter with Police Chief Sean Smith. The council, attorneys for Hillsdale and Smith, met in closed session tonight, March 19, from approximately 7:05 to 9:51 p.m.

Over the last 48 hours there has been significant progress in the negotiations between the Borough of Hillsdale and Police Chief Sean Smith. It is our belief that a settlement agreement is within reach. Tomorrow morning the parties will attempt to close this matter in front of the hearing officer in a closed session.

Should the two sides settle, there will no longer be a need for a public hearing on the matter, and we will send out a town notice to alert the residents to that fact. If, however, we do not reach an agreement, the hearing will begin as scheduled at 9:30AM in Hillsdale Borough Hall at 380 Hillsdale Avenue Hillsdale, NJ.

On behalf of the governing body, we thank the public for their interest and attention to these important proceedings.