To the editor:
Hillsdale has a wonderful tradition of honoring those who have given their lives for their country by holding a Memorial Day parade and ceremony in Veterans Memorial Park. American Legion Post 162 and our Recreation Department work cooperatively with community groups, volunteers, emergency responders, school groups, sports associations, and others to ensure that the day’s events are meaningful and enjoyable. This year we remember especially the events of D-Day, June 6, 1944.
I know that the temptations of a three-day holiday weekend can often distract us, but the freedoms and security we enjoy as Americans are directly attributable to the sacrifices made by our servicemen and women, in both war and peace.
I encourage all residents to start their Memorial Day by enjoying a hearty breakfast cooked by the Boy Scout Troop 109 at the Holy Trinity Episcopal Church, starting at 7:30 a.m., perhaps attend special memorial services for our departed volunteer firemen, our police officers, and our ambulance corp, which start at 9 a.m. in Veterans Park, and then assemble along the parade route, which runs up Magnolia, across Knickerbocker, and then down Broadway to Veterans Park. The parade kicks off at approximately 9:45; memorial ceremonies commence at 10:45.
Following those ceremonies, there will be a picnic hosted by Scout Troop 108 and Cub Pack 331 for families with children that are interested in joining the Scouts from 1 to 5 p.m. at Beechwood Park, featuring free food and games!
I also want to encourage residents to consider contributing to the renovation of the veterans monument in the park. Renderings of the new monument are on the American Legion Post 162 website. The Legion will be raising half of the funds needed, with the other half coming from a County grant. The Legion has been actively seeking contributions that will go directly to the project. You can make donations at americanlegionpost162.org