Holiday Party For Group Home Kids Came From The Heart

Mary Chongoushian and Rosemarie D’Alessandro at the recent holiday party for children from two Youth Consultation Service group homes in Bergen County.


Resident Mary Chongoushian read a local newspaper story about Joan’s Joy founder Rosemarie D’Alessandro helping children with special needs at Youth Consultation Service (YCS), a private non-profit social services agency helping more than 6,000 children in New Jersey with special needs and their families each year.

And she became inspired.

Chongoushian contacted her church, Church of the Assumption on Jefferson Avenue, which leapt at the chance to host a holiday party for the kids from two YCS group homes, in Newark and Hackensack, the week before Christmas.

Approximately 40 children enjoyed the party, which included pizza, a DJ, and a photo booth.

D’Alessandro, who attended the party, reported that a new friendship was forged.

“It was an amazing event she put together,” D’Alessandro said of Chongoushian.

YCS serves thousands of New Jersey families who have children, from birth through adulthood, with special needs. Many families receive intensive in-home and community support that enables their families to stay together.

But some of the children at the group homes are separated from their loved ones and have been affected by trauma. Others have intellectual and developmental disabilities that affect their behavior.

YCS Communications Director Janis Nicolosi-Endo told Pascack Press that the agency, founded in 1918 to care for vulnerable women and children after World War I, has long depended on acts of kindness from the community.

She lauded D’Alessandro, who arranges trips for area YCS children, and Chongoushian, for recognizing and acting on a unique need.

“If you’re a child and in a group home setting during the holidays, you want to be home with your family. That’s not always possible, but we want our children to participate in the holidays just like everybody else. So we’re really grateful for people like Mary,” Nicolosi-Endo said.

For her part, Chongoushian told Pascack Press on Feb. 4 that she just wanted her guests “to have fun and know that they are cared about.” She said she hopes to host another party for the children this year.

She also said she’s eager to help D’Alessandro in her work with Hillsdale-based Joan’s Joy, officially The Joan Angela D’Alessandro Memorial Foundation, which promotes child safety and protection, advances victims’ rights, and helps homeless and neglected youth.

Mary Chongoushian serves lunch to 40 children with special needs at a holiday party she hosted for them at Church of the Assumption. Many of the children residing in Youth Consultation Service therapeutic group homes in Bergen County are not able to go home for the holidays.

Meanwhile, the holidays can be stressful even under the best of circumstances. If you know of a family who can use this resource, point them to “10 Tips for a More Enjoyable Family Holiday When Your Child Has Special Needs,” by Jacky Maddi, BCBA, M.Ed. It’s free.