HILLSDALE, N.J.—Joan’s Joy Annual Yard Sale Fundraiser returns May 22 from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. at 45 Florence St. Tables will be set up with lots of space in between for shoppers to keep their social distance. Wearing masks is appreciated.
Volunteers are sought to help sort and price, man tables, and clean up after the sale. The rain date is May 29.
Can’t make it? Join in for a preview virtual event on May 19 at 7:30 p.m. on Facebook Live and joansjoy.org.
This will be a small-scale community yard sale benefiting The Joan Angela D’Alessandro Foundation, promoting child safety via programs and legislative advocacy. The foundation provides support to neglected and abused children through fun and educational excursions and helps victims of crime by way of consultation.
Organizers seek small donations of new or lightly used items—not large amounts of items, due to space constraints. Of special need: women’s and vintage clothes. Men’s and children’s clothes are accepted as well.
You also can make a gift basket that can then be raffled at the event’s tricky tray. Baked items wrapped in individual portions, including gluten-free options, are welcomed. Write rosebd@email.com.
Joan’s Joy T-shirts are available for a $20 donation. The shirts can be shipped for $3 more. To donate directly to Joan’s Joy, visit joansjoy.org.