CRESSKILL, N.J.—After splitting provisional ballots almost evenly, Democratic challenger Leslie Kaplan eked out a narrow three-vote victory over incumbent Republican Councilwoman Simone Tsigounis for a highly-contested Cresskill council seat, 635 votes to 632.
Of 37 provisional ballots counted, 19 went to Kaplan and 18 went to Tsigounis.
Provisional vote counts were provided Nov. 14 by Bergen County Board of Elections.
Prior to provisional vote counts, Kaplan led Tsigounis 612 to 609 votes.
Recount possible
Kaplan, reached Nov. 14 at home, said Tsigounis conceded and “was very gracious” in defeat.
He attributed his slim-vote victory to “knocking on a thousand doors and giving the voters of Cresskill a choice.”
Kaplan noted his campaign theme was “to help build a better community and keep Cresskill affordable.”
Initially, Tsigounis was congratulatory to the apparent winner Kaplan.
“Results just came in yesterday evening and yes, it was a very tight election,” Tsigounis said. “I will reach out to Les this morning to offer him my congratulations. I held great respect for my position as a council member and will offer him my support.
“As for my future plans, I will continue to be an active participant in our community,” added Tsigounis.
Later, on Friday, Nov. 15, Tsigounis said she was instead keeping her options open and considering a potential recount petition after consulting with election and Republican officials.
“I’ve been advised by the commissioner of elections that anything less than five votes should be recounted,” Tsigounis said. “We’re a team here in Cresskill, so whatever way it goes we’re all going to support each other. But we want to keep our options open.”
Spina was reelected
Tsigounis ran with incumbent Republican Councilman Mark Spina, who garnered 717 votes and was reelected, topping all council vote-getters.
Borough voters also reelected Mayor Benedict Romeo—who was unopposed—with 731 votes.
A resident for three-plus decades, Kaplan is president of the Cresskill Public Library Board of Trustees, and a past Democratic County Committeeman.
Spina and Tsigounis campaigned together in their reelection effort.
“Simone and I grew up in Cresskill, graduated from CHS and now give back to the community through our service on the council,” Spina had told Northern Valley Press prior to the election.
Spina and Tsigounis said they have been thoughtful council representatives.
‘Full-time effort’
Kaplan called for more community events and programs “to bring us together as friends and neighbors” and for more community involvement and investment in infrastructure.
“As a retired attorney I can devote full-time effort to the trust which is given to public officials,” wrote Kaplan to Northern Valley Press for an election profile. He said he offered residents “a new perspective and fresh ideas.”
Also, he said keeping Cresskill affordable was paramount, along with seeking open space grants to fund parks, support the business community, and increase shared services.
—With additional reporting by Tom Clancey
Editor’s note: This story was updated Monday, Nov. 18 to reflect that the Bergen County Clerk’s Office published official Election Day results.