TOWNSHIP OF WASHINGTON—Knights of Columbus Mother Seton Council #5427 of the Township of Washington says it’s e-x-c-i-t-e-d to invite the students of the Township of Washington and Westwood to take part in their 2024 Spelling Bee.
Council spokesman Jim Dugan tells Pascack Press, “The spelling bee has been a staple on the Knights of Columbus calendar for many years and we are excited to once again hold this special event.”
The bee is set for Wednesday, Feb. 21 at the Knights of Columbus hall, 79 Pascack Road, Township of Washington, and is open to all students from these two towns, sharing a school district, in grades 6–8. Contestants sign in at 6:30 p.m. and the bee starts at 7.
Dugan said, “In order for things to run as smoothly as possible we ask that all students pre-register for the event by sending an email to Spelling Bee Committee chairman Mike Fusco at mfusco1227@aol.com. Include your full name, grade level, and what town you live in. A reply email will be sent to confirm your attendance.”
He said, “We look forward to continuing this traditional event with a new generation of students.”
Incidentally, interjects your editor, Merriam-Webster’s dictionary explains “The bee in spelling bee is possibly an alteration of an English dialect word that meant voluntary help given by neighbors toward the accomplishment of a particular task, that word being a descendant of the Middle English word bene.”
The venerable reference work provides some of the things people called spelling bees before the name spelling bee became common:
- Trials in Spelling
- Spelling School
- Spelling Match
- Spelling-Fight
- Spelling Combat
- Spelldown
(We thought you’d bee interested.)
Meanwhile, the first round of the Annual Basketball Free Throw Championship sponsored by Knights of Columbus Mother Seton Council #5427 of the Township of Washington ran Jan. 27 at Our Lady of Good Counsel Community Center, Ridgewood Road.