NORTHERN VALLEY AREA, N.J.—The League of Women Voters of Northern Valley celebrates Women’s Equality Day on Aug. 26, 2019, and the advancements made towards achieving full political, economic, and social equality. The date commemorates the 99th anniversary of the adoption of the 19th constitutional Amendment, granting women the right to vote in the United States.
“The League was founded in 1920, just months before the 19th Amendment was adopted,” said Chris Carson, president of the League of Women Voters of the United States. “As we approach the centennial celebration of the ratification of the 19th Amendment and the League in 2020, I am encouraged by the women leaders who continue to advocate for equality for all.”
Bergen County has a rich history of residents advocating for women’s rights. The League of Women Voters of Northern Valley remembers suffragists such as Elizabeth Cady Stanton, who lived in Tenafly, and Susan B. Anthony visiting her to write the “History of Woman Suffrage.” In 1880, Stanton tried unsuccessfully to vote at the polls in Tenafly.

These suffragists and others advocated for the 19th Amendment across the country. They knew increasing access for all to the ballot box strengthened democracy.
“The League of Women Voters of Northern Valley marks Women’s Equality Day by preparing voters to make informed decisions in the next election in New Jersey on November 5, 2019. Our focus is to protect voting rights for all and ensure everyone can exercise their right to vote. The League does not support or oppose candidates and is not affiliated with any political party,” said Joyce Luhrs, vice president of marketing, League of Women Voters of Northern Valley.
Luhrs stressed the first step is to register to vote.
“Our foremothers understood voting provides citizens with the ability to impact the critical issues facing their communities. To accomplish this, people need to register to vote. This fall, the League of Women Voters of Northern Valley’s members from 27 municipalities in Bergen County will work to make democracy strong through voter registration drives, educational forums, and local advocacy,” she stated.
New Jersey is only one of seven state legislative chambers holding elections in 2019. To prepare voters for this election, the League of Women Voters of Northern Valley plans to expand its Voters Service activities to ensure residents are registered to vote, know where to vote and can get to their polling place, and have information about the candidates.
For information about the election process, including polling place locations and hours, information directly from the candidates regarding their vision for America’s future, absentee ballot and early voting options, registration deadlines, ID requirements, and much more, visit the League’s election information at www.vote411.org.
Learn more about LWVNV’s upcoming events and how to become a member at www.lwvbergen.org. For further information about the LWVNV, contact (201) 947-0756 or lwvno.valley@gmail.com.
The League of Women Voters (LWV), a non-partisan political organization, encourages informed and active participation in government, works to increase understanding of public policy issues and influences public policy through education and advocacy. The organization was an outgrowth of the 19th Amendment passed in 1920 giving women the right to vote. Today, the LWV operates at the state and local levels through more than 700 state and local Leagues in all 50 states and in Washington D.C., the Virgin Islands and Hong Kong.
The League of Women Voters of Northern Valley was founded in 1946 as the League of Women Voters of Closter. By 1964, it included 11 municipalities in the Northern Valley and was renamed the League of Women Voters of Northern Valley. The organization develops grassroots leadership and achieves widespread credibility because it is strictly nonpartisan. Throughout the year, a range of voters services and programs are provided, including candidates’ forums, registration drives, dissemination of nonpartisan information about candidates and issues, and public meetings to discuss current issues.