PASCACK VALLEY AREA, N.J.—American Legion Post 162 in Hillsdale and Park Ridge Elks Lodge #2234 have worked together to support veterans causes for many years. These coordinated activities are led by Phil Langner, a post past commander an Elks lodge past exalted ruler.
As a continuation of their donation to the Tracers program, run by Bergen County Veterans Services, Post 162 donated socks and knitted woolen shawls to the program.
Langner also worked with the Elks to obtain a grant from their national organization for the program. The lodge used the grant to buy additional clothing and Amazon Kindle e-readers for the veterans to use.
According to Bergen County Veterans Services Director A.J. Luna, the support from these organizations is critical to the continued success of the Tracers program.
The Division of Veterans Services was established in 1977 to provide resident veterans and their dependents with information and assistance in obtaining earned entitlements from federal, state, and local governments, as well as any that are available from the private sector. Through a quarterly newsletter and direct client contact, the division provides Bergen’s veterans organizations and their auxiliaries and individual residents with up-to-date benefit information.
Its Tracers program aims to end homelessness for veterans in Bergen County by helping homeless veterans and veterans in danger of becoming homeless, and giving a hand to homeless vets, not a hand-out.
Langner says that the American Legion and the Elks Club welcome public support for these activities. The pandemic has made these donations more critical than ever.
Due to Covid-19 conditions, only cash donations are being accepted. You can donate at americanlegionpost162.org or Elks Lodge #2234, PO Box 42, Park Ridge, NJ 07656.