To the editor:
Like many in our community, I have strong opinions regarding the exploding deer population. When we moved to River Vale 18 years ago, we had more concerns about the rabbit population than we did about deer. We used to plant flowers throughout our yard; now with the deer overrunning our property, we haven’t bothered to plant anything in years. Our bushes have been denuded and killed. Clearly, we are in need of a solution and I’ve read many opinions as well as attended the most recent River Vale Town Hall meeting where about 60–70 of my fellow citizens came to express themselves on this issue.
Bow hunting is clearly not the answer: it is inhumane, damages the town’s reputation and reduces our property values coming at the same time the SALT limitation has had a deleterious effect. In my view, we need to explore every non-lethal option available.
Second, we need full disclosure in terms of the types of non-lethal alternatives, cost, frequency of application, etc.
Third, we should be looking at multiple forms of funding in order to accomplish reduction of the deer population in a non-lethal method, not just taxpayer dollars, such as grants, foundations and private donations.
In the Pascack Press article on May 20 [“Council ‘pauses’ in considering deer bow hunt,” page 1, by Michael Olohan] the mayor said a final decision whether to move ahead with the bow hunt and the possibility of putting the question on the November ballot, or do nothing will be made by the end of May.
Time is of the essence for all of us to express our opinions in regards to having a bow hunt. I have formally asked that Mayor Jasionowski and Town Council prepare a presentation to the River Vale residents. We are the ones that will have to live with the effects of a bow hunt if it happens.