To the editor:
On this wonderful Memorial Day, I am overcome with memories of my friends, whom I knew so well and who lost their lives during World War II and Korea—most of whom were the Class of 1941, Dwight Morrow High School, Englewood, New Jersey.
It was once said “the paths of glory lead but to the grave” and of course as time goes on, the sacrifices made by those innocent young boys will be forgotten. However, I will never forget them and they are constantly in my thoughts and in my prayers.
Tom Wanta
Robert McEwen
Burt Wyman
Robert Woods
Edward Heffernan
Frank Novello
Robert Smith
John Way
Joel Coffin
H. Roy Cohen
William Conlon
Carl Murray
Leroy Resseler
I also have poignant memories of my immigrant family who sacrificed so much for America. My grandparents came to America from Italy in 1900. Their young son (my uncle) Frank Lucianna was killed while serving under General Pershing in Mexico. During World War II, my cousins served honorably: Frank Novello was killed in the Battle of the Bulge and Joseph and James Novello, served with distinction in Italy and North Africa. My brother Victor, who died on April 14, 2011, served honorably and with distinction in The Battle of Okinawa in 1945.
On this Memorial Day, I think of my young friends who died for America and also the heroes who fought with honor and courage for America. Hopefully the day will come when there will be no more wars and no more Veteran’s to recall the anguish of the loss of their friends.