ENGLEWOOD, N.J.—On May 2, beginning at 6 p.m., a steady stream of people poured into cafe Salud in Englewood to purchase Mayor Michael Wildes’ new book, “Safe Haven in America: Battles to Open the Golden Door.”
The mayor signed dozens of books at the cafe inside NJ Eye and Ear on Palisade Avenue in Englewood. On hand greeting visitors were NJ Eye and Ear owners Dr. Daniel Stegman and Steven Bernstein, Marketing Director Rey Bolic, and Wildes’ wife, Amy.
In addition to serving as mayor of Englewood, Wildes is a successful immigration lawyer. The book has a foreward by famed lawyer Alan Dershowitz and it contains 12 stories of heroism, such as that of people who turned their backs on kings and people who subdued terrorists. The book also details immigration cases of famous people, such as John Lennon and Melania Trump, that were handled by Wildes and his father, Leon Wildes.
Wildes announced that his team has been contacted in conjunction with a television show based on the book.
Surrounded by the crowd of people lined up to buy his book, Wildes thanked his hosts, paid tribute to his father and to his wife, who is also an immigration lawyer. He then made a dramatic and uplifting speech.
“The theory of this book is that sense of biblical hospitality. America is a golden experiment in democracy. The thesis of the book is that our doors need to be hinged open to help those in need and to close on those who would do us harm.
“Where I teach”—Wildes is a professor at Cardozo Law School—“we have students who study law to become immigration lawyers because we are dream makers. We need to bring this beautiful experiment forward to the next generation and we have to do it with the right language, with the right intentions and with the right foresight!”