MONTVALE—Mayor Michael Ghassali has challenged residents to join together to help shed 1,000 total pounds, assisted by gym owners, trainers, and Zumba dancers and instructors.
He says this year’s mayor’s fitness challenge, March 1 – June 30, will be mutually beneficial for local businesses and residents to get into better health overall.
Saying “Eat well, move well, relax well, and manage well,” the challenge webpage invites you to “Join our journey to improving our Montvale community’s health and wellness, while exercising, meeting and making new friends.”
It adds, “This new, exciting community-based program is led by professional trainers and doctors, and will help us overcome the stress and anxiety of the pandemic while achieving our own individual goals.”
The challenge will be tailored to meet the needs of the participants, so mark your interests on the registration page, via montvale.org.
Separately, the borough has an active year-round community recreation program, administered by a Special Events Committee and director. The committee offers a broad, diversified program of events, the highlight of which is an annual Day in the Park celebration held in September.
Recreational programs including pickleball, golf, tennis, volleyball, basketball, yoga and tai chi, among others, are offered year round to kids and adults.
The borough has four parks encompassing 32 acres. The park facilities include two playgrounds along with courts and fields that allow for tennis, basketball, baseball, football, roller hockey, pickleball, softball, and soccer.