WESTWOOD, N.J.—Congratulations and job well done go to Laura Robertson, who attends Westwood Regional Middle School, which serves families in Westwood and the Township of Washington. Laura is the winner of a writing contest hosted by the Westwood Police Department and the Bergen County Prosecutor’s Office.
Her topic, open to students in grades 7–8: Why it’s important for members of the community to engage with local police departments.
Here, with permission, is Laura’s very persuasive submission, which earned her an HP Chromebook:
There are two communities that I know very well. One is Washington Township and the other is a town in England where my Nana lived and I visited a few times. Both towns are very safe and the people in these two communities seem very happy. I don’t think it’s a coincidence that the residents of both towns feel this way. I strongly believe that one of the main reasons for this is the strong bond these communities have with their local police departments.
Every day the police play an important role in our lives and I think it is my responsibility for me and for every other resident of our town to show our thanks and appreciation to our local police officers. Not only is this the right thing to do, but engaging and involving our police officers with local events and activities is a great way to build friendships and understanding.
There are many benefits to having a good friendship with police officers. The most important one is being able to feel comfortable when speaking to a police officer. When members of our community have spent time getting to know a police officer, they immediately appreciate the fact that the police officer is a kind and smart person and not just a crime fighter.
I know that if I feel comfortable talking to them, especially if I notice something is wrong, or if somebody I know is in trouble, the police officers will be able to prevent something bad from happening or somebody being hurt.
As well as keeping us safe, our local police officers provide many other services to our community that may not be as known to those who are not engaged or interested in what our police officers do for us.
An example of the good relationship we have with our police department is how they are very involved with the schools. Every day whether it is raining or snowing, an officer directs traffic to keep kids safe.
They also come and educate us on how to protect ourselves and recognize dangerous situations.
Every time I am walking or cycling around town, I feel safe because even if I don’t see them, I know that our police officers are patrolling around town. I always say “hello” or wave when I see a police officer in my town. I know they appreciate it and more importantly they deserve to be recognized.
Our police officers are experts at telling when something isn’t right. This is another good reason for the people of our town to spend time with them. I hope it never happens, but one day one of our community members may not be feeling or behaving normally, if the police officer notices a difference, they will be able to call an ambulance and take them to the E.R.
If that person had never met the police officer, the officer may see their strange behavior and do nothing because they thought they were being normal.
I noticed that the police department has a lot of information about Covid-19 right away on their website, which is great for people who want to learn more about it. I really appreciate the officers and you should too.
— Laura Robertson