PASCACK VALLEY—Washington Township and Park Ridge are in line for more than $1 million in Bergen County Open Space Trust Fund grants, according to 2023 preliminary grant recommendations made Sept. 6 by the county Open Space Trust Fund Advisory Committee to the Bergen County Commissioners.
Moreover, the Trust Fund Committee awarded a total of slightly over $2 million to 14 Pascack Valley and Northern Valley towns. Based on preliminary recommendations, Washington Township received two grants, a land acquisition grant for $550,000 to acquire a 3.2-acre tract at 450 Pascack Road; and a parks improvement grant for $60,111 for phase I engineering, surveying and environmental testing at the 6.2-acre former township swim club.
Park Ridge, meanwhile, was also recommended to receive the largest historic preservation grant this year, $412,150, for renovation of the borough’s historic Train Station.
Other Pascack Valley towns recommended for park improvement grants:
- $60,111 for Emerson, Ackerman Park: Renovation of basketball courts. Ackerman Park, off of Ackerman Avenue, consists of lighted and newly repaved basketball courts, a bocci court, and two sets of playground equipment: one for kids 2–5 and one for kids 6–12. There are also picnic tables and benches. The Kyle Griffin Memorial, commemorating the Emerson resident who was killed while serving in Iraq, is at the entrance to the park.
- $60,111 for Montvale, Memorial Park, 1 Memorial Dr.: New synthetic turf field, drainage and fencing;
- $60,111 for Park Ridge, Sulak Field; Lighting system installation with underground electric poles;
- $60,111 for River Vale, Upper Grove (Library) Park; new patio, outside stage, and eating area; and
- $60,111 for Westwood, Westvale Pump Park track circuit for mountain and BMX bikers.
The total amount of land acquisition, historic preservation and park improvement grants recommended by the advisory committee for 2023 totals $11,510,624, said county officials.
The grants won’t be officially awarded until approved by the commissioners, most likely at a December commissioners’ meeting, said a county spokesperson. A public hearing will be held Tuesday, Oct. 24, by the commissioners on the grant recommendations.
Township of Washington looking for property purchase near Memorial Field, more recreation amenities
“That is excellent news,” said Township administrator Mark DiCarlo, after he learned of the preliminary grant award of $550,000 for 450 Pascack Road.
Efforts to reach the mayor and Council President Desserie Morgan for comment were not returned by press time.
The Township of Washington purchased the swim club for $800,000 in April 2022 for conservation and recreation purposes. It is trying to determine the best recreational uses for the property, while storing some seasonal DPW vehicles and equipment there.
The township’s May 2023 grant proposal for 450 Pascack Road notes the total cost of the property at $950,000, with $900,000 as the purchase price, and $50,000 in soft costs such as engineering, planning, and likely demolition.
The estimated $550,000 county grant equals approximately 58% of the total $950,000 purchase price. If the grant amount is awarded, the township would still need to pony up nearly $400,000 to acquire the 450 Pascack Road property.
The township had applied for a $900,000 grant to purchase the property. DiCarlo told Pascack Press in May that the $900,000 figure was determined by “negotiations/discussions between the Township attorney and seller’s attorney supported by appraisals.”
The proposal states the price was based on a “negotiated letter of intent with a purchase price of $900,000.” (See “Township reaching for open space funds on 450 Pascack,” Michael Olohan, May 5, 2023, Pascack Press.)
In summer 2021, the township offered $430,000 for the property, under threat of condemnation. Negotiations with the owners have been ongoing since then.
In addition, the township received a $60,111 park improvement grant for phase I engineering, surveying and environmental testing at the former 6.2-acre swim club at 464 Ridgewood Blvd. North.
Between the 2022 Open Space grant for $438,750 to acquire the former swim club property, and this year’s $550,000 and $60,111 grant, the county has awarded the township slightly over $1 million in Open Space grants in two years.
Northern Valley Grant Awards
Nearby, some Northern Valley towns recommended for grants included:
- $125,000 for Cresskill; Craford Park Phase 2 Sports field lighting and new playground;
- $146,730 for Demarest, Wakelee Field: Turf infield of softball field, drainage improvements;
- $125,026 for Englewood: Herring Field; Turf field for baseball and football, fencing and goal posts;
- $100,000 for Haworth; Memorial Field: Dugouts, bocce courts, basketball court and fencing repairs;
- $80,000 for Northvale, Hogan Park: Remove & replace fencing at baseball and softball fields;
- $146.730 for Norwood: Kennedy Field ADA-accessible playground; and
- 60,111 for Old Tappan; Old Tappan Golf Course installing drainage piping, plus renovations of bunkers. The above recommended awards do not include all municipalities receiving Open Space grants in 2023.
For a complete list of recommended awards, contact the county commissioners’ office.