MONTVALE, N.J.—Republican Mayor Mike Ghassali—unopposed on Election Day, Nov. 5—is expected to be reelected, but what about the borough’s two council incumbents from opposing political parties?
Republican Incumbent Councilman Timothy E. Lane seeks a fifth term, while Democrat Incumbent Elizabeth M. Gloeggler seeks a second term.
Two three-year terms on the borough council are open, and Lane is joined by GOP nominee Christopher A. Roche in Column 1, while Gloeggler is joined by Democrat nominee Laureana M. Organ in Column 2.
We invited the candidates to submit a 250-word statement outlining their backgrounds and issues that are of importance to them; they appear in alphabetical order by last name. Asterisks denote incumbents.
Elizabeth Gloeggler*

—Political Party: Democrat
—Age: 45.
—Years of residency: Since 1974
—Career: CEO for Literacy New Jersey, Inc.
—Education: B.S. in Early Childhood Education and Psychology from the College of New Jersey.
—Family: Married, Jan Eggers; daughters, Ettie and Evie; mother Regina Gloeggler.
—Past elected experience: Montvale Borough Council, 2016–present.
It has been an honor to serve on the Montvale Council for the past three years. I have called Montvale home for most of my life and we are so lucky to be raising our girls in this amazing community. It is a place where everyone rolls up their sleeves and pitches in. Over the past three years I have been fortunate to work with the Mayor and Council to improve roads, fields and parks without raising taxes.
My greatest joy has been working on Montvale Community TV (MC-TV). Our team of volunteers and professionals upgraded the equipment, added new shows and filmed town events. Shows like “My Montvale” and “Montvale in Motion” give residents a chance to meet Montvale’s movers and shakers. We’ve also gone on the road to bring residents events like the Memorial Day Parade and MAL’s Opening Day. Today MC-TV looks better, sounds better and brings more information to everyone in Montvale.
It would be my honor to serve for a second term. There is still more to do. During my first term, I learned so much and worked together with so many wonderful people to enact positive change in our community. It has been my privilege to serve our beautiful town. Once again, I ask for your vote so I may proudly continue working for Montvale.
—Elizabeth Gloeggler
Timothy E. Lane*

—Political party: Republican.
—Age: 55.
—Years in town: 28.
—Career: Senior Managing Director in Financial Services for 33 years.
—College degrees or certifications: Fairfield University, B.A. ’85; Certified Employee Benefits Specialist.
—Family: Wife, Rosaleen; children, Sam, Mairin, Owen, Tom.
—Past elected experience: Montvale Borough Council, 2008–present.
We moved to Montvale in 1991 and have raised four children ranging in age from 27 to 17. We’ve gone from the youngest family on our street to one of the most senior; not quite empty nesters but heading there soon. Experiencing this full cycle as a family—from coaching with the MAL to watching our children go off to college and then start their careers—has helped me reflect on what Montvale was and what it may become. Outside forces play a role in how the town moves forward, and we must deal with the reality of state mandates and market forces that change our corporate sector. But we can control our own decisions, which affect the way we run our town and the money we spend to do it.
I am running for re-election this year to ensure that we continue to put the Montvale taxpayer first. We have paid down our debt, have a healthy surplus, and consolidated services like the Joint Court and Pascack Valley DPW to save taxpayers money. When necessary, we have made long-term investments like the new firehouse while managing project costs. This has made it possible as Council finance chair to recommend budgets that have kept our municipal tax increases at a minimum—or with no increase at all. As I talk to neighbors who worry that they must leave Montvale because of the cost of living here, I am proud of the fiscal discipline I have helped bring to Montvale’s Council.
—Timothy E. Lane
Laureana M. Organ

— Party: Democratic.
— Age: 54.
— Years of residency: 27.
— Career: Social science, television production, and paralegal for eight years at O&S, two years HMSHost, 16 years BCCD, and presently one year at BCOFC
— Education: Three years of law school at Universidad Technological de Santiago Recinto Santo Domingo;
Associate in Science at Bergen Community College; B.A. of Art and Social Science at Ramapo College of New Jersey.
— Family: Married, three children.
— Elected experience: None.
As a woman I’ve been focused on family, school and communities. Raising a family being a widow for 15 years have been my biggest challenge. My three children, Cynthia, Maria and Jose, are professional and married successful young adults. Also I am very grateful to have three grandchildren; Tristan, Andres and Ethan. Fortunate to remarry three years ago to Edison Duran.
Compromise my life to contribute to our town, our country and our society, have the privilege of being Montvale resident for 27 years. Involved in public service after working for private and public sector as OSW Law Office for seven years, HMS Host for two Years, Community Development and Office for Children of Bergen County for 17 years, I want to share my knowledge and experiences to the public.
I grew up in the Dominican Republic and moved to the U.S. at age 26, since than I’ve witness drastic changes in Montvale housing developments and corporate offices.
My dear town for the past 27 years have changed, allowed our largest corporations to left and developers want to use the properties for other purposes. We want to maintain our town as the Gem of the Pascack Valley.
The challenge is to allow the developers to use these property in a way that helps us meet our requirement for affordable housing, while also preserving the qualities that make Montvale a desirable place to live.
We can’t stop change but we can manage it effectively so that it benefits us. Please join me in Moving Montvale Forward.
—Laureana M. Organ
Christopher A. Roche

—Political party: Republican.
—Age: 46.
—Years in town: 14.
—Career: Partner in Nellie’s Place (restaurant) in Waldwick for 21 years
—College degrees or certifications: Manhattan College, B.S. Accounting ’96; AAS Hotel Restaurant Management BCC ’93.
—Family: Wife, Carolyn; children, Maryellen, William, Abigail, and James.
—Past elected experience: None.
I was raised in Woodcliff Lake from the age of 2, and graduated Pascack Hills High School in 1990. We moved to Montvale shortly after my eldest daughter was born, and since then we have been fully invested in this town. With children at both Fieldstone and Pascack Hills (and previously Memorial), our family has been heavily involved in the schools through the PTO and running events like the Ice Cream Social at Memorial; Trivia Night; and Carnival Night.
I have also coached T-Ball and Soccer with the Montvale Athletic League, which in addition to our school involvement has helped me meet so many Montvale residents with children.
As a former Board member of Rebuilding Together Bergen County, I know there are tangible opportunities to improve our county; I decided to run for Borough Council because I feel Montvale can always get better. Community involvement, working with the municipal government, can address key issues. I got personally involved when our neighborhood in town faced challenges that required communication and coordination.
As a liaison with my neighbors helped ensure that we worked with the mayor and council on the best solution possible. I hope to bring that same commitment of engagement and communication to the Borough, and I look forward to taking a more active role in in improving Montvale’s appeal that brought many of us here in the first place.
—Christopher A. Roche
Sample Ballot