Neighbors’ forum Feb. 6 on Memorial Field concept plan


HILLSDALE—Residents of Washington Avenue, Lincoln Street, Hillsdale Avenue, Hopper Street, Crosley Terrace, Stockton Street, Appeld Court, and Holdrum Street are invited to a community meeting at Borough Hal on Tuesday, Feb. 6, at 7 p.m. The meeting will provide an opportunity to review and discuss the Memorial Field concept plan with borough officials.

A formal presentation of a revised Memorial Field concept plan is scheduled for the Feb. 11 Borough Council meeting.

All residents be advised: Due to expected weather conditions, Borough Hall will have a delayed opening: 11 a.m. The Hillsdale Free Public Library will also open late, at noon, to allow the Department of Public Works time to safely clear parking lots and sidewalks.

For more information, contact Hillsdale Borough Hall or visit the borough website. Residents are encouraged to attend the evening meeting and share their feedback.