PASCACK VALLEY—The Kiwanis Club of the Pascack Valley will be hosting a food drive to benefit local food pantries this fall.
The food drive marks the group’s first official service project since its formation in August. Community members are encouraged to bring their donations of canned goods and personal hygiene products to the Kiwanis table at the Township of Washington Town Day Fall Festival, Oct. 7 from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. at Memorial Field or to the bandstand in Westwood’s Veterans Memorial Park on Oct. 8 from noon to 3 p.m.
Donations can also be dropped off throughout October at the Westwood Community Center at 55 Jefferson Ave., Westwood.
The Kiwanis Club of the Pascack Valley, is a member of Kiwanis International, a non-profit service organization formed in 1915 to make lasting differences for youth by supporting community service projects. Ralph Ciardulli, elected as the first president of the new Kiwanis Club of the Pascack Valley, is excited to embark on this community service journey with the other members of the group.
“At its core, Kiwanis is all about volunteerism to support the community,” Ciardulli said. “We are looking forward to lending a hand at local events and contributing to the betterment of the Pascack Valley. Promoting the needs of local food pantries is one way we hope to be of service, especially as we head into the holiday season.”
Ciardulli noted that local food pantries need canned foods but also cleaning supplies and personal hygiene products.
The list of items being collected includes canned vegetables, tuna and chicken, stews and soups, beans and chili, peanut butter and jelly, cereal, rice and pasta, noodles, granola bars, dessert mixes, shelf-stable milk, cleaning products, laundry detergent, paper towels and tissues, shampoo, soap, diapers and feminine-hygiene products.
For more information write PascackValleyKiwanis@gmail.com or visit Pascack Valley NJ Kiwanis (Facebook).