The Township of Washington Knights of Columbus held its annual summer food drive on Saturday, June 27, with volunteers going door-to-door all over the township to pick up the donations left on people’s front porches.
Grand Knight Fran Sullivan commended Jim McPeak and Chuck Merlo, Food Drive co-chairmen, for another successful food drive and thanked the township residents who once again generously donated 300 bags of food and non-perishable items. In addition, monetary donations of $300 were made.
The donations were delivered to the Helping Hand Food Pantry in Hillsdale and St. Andrew’s Church in Westwood.
Co-chair Merlo said, “Jimmy and I would like to say thanks to everyone who donated their time to help and, of course, to the generosity of the people of Washington Township who donated food. It’s always nice to see people come together for a good cause, especially in this COVID-19 pandemic.”
Sullivan offered, “My sincere thanks to all who donated and to my brother knights, their family members, and Boy Scouts from Troops 288 and 321 who worked on the drive. I especially thank Kevin Lynch, retired CEO of Oritani Bank, and the Oritani Charitable Foundation for contributing $1,000 to cover the cost of printing and mailing our food drive flyer that was delivered to all Township residents. I also extend our appreciation to Pascack Press for once again co-sponsoring the drive.”