PARK RIDGE, N.J.—Borough voters will cast ballots for state, county, and local leaders on Election Day, Tuesday, Nov. 5.
In addition to Mayor Keith Misciagna’s re-election bid against challenger and Republican county committeeman William R. Fenwick, the borough sees four candidates vying for two three-year council seats: Democratic council incumbents Kelly Epstein and Robert C. Metzdorf and Republican challengers John Cozzi and Joshua A. Nathanson.
We invited the candidates to submit a 250-word statement outlining their backgrounds and issues that are of importance to them; here they are in alphabetical order by last name. Asterisks denote incumbents.
John Cozzi

— Party: Republican.
— Age: 53.
— Years of residency: 8.
— Career: Lawyer.
— Degrees and certifications: BA Rutgers;
JD Western Michigan University.
— Family: Married, no kids.
— Elected experience: None.
To the residents of Park Ridge: I’ve always been a person who felt it is important to focus on a few important things and get them done rather than itemize all the issues and get nothing done.
I believe in the rule of three. Establish three major issues and focus on these so that you have a good chance of success.
The three major issue I would focus on for Park Ridge are:
• Find suitable major corporations that are looking for corporate campuses in the metropolitan area and replace the fleeing corporations with new vibrant ones that will maintain our tax base and municipal financial health. If we don’t achieve this, the development of these properties can and will disrupt Park Ridge’s way of life in significant ways.
• Maintain and improve the lifestyle and ambiance of Park Ridge as a desirable place to raise a family with a good library, municipal services, and excellent schools. The world is changing and Park Ridge must continue to grow and improve to attract the best families and merchants.
• Maintain a reasonable, affordable tax structure that contributes to property values and a supportive community that continues to improve Park Ridge through volunteer work and overall investment in the organizations that maintain Park Ridge’s superior way of life.
—John Cozzi
Kelly Epstein*

— Party: Democratic.
— Age: 40.
— Years of residency: 11.
— Career: Teacher, high school history and psychology.
— Degrees and certifications: BA: History and MA: Social Studies Education, Rutgers University. Certified Psychology, Social Studies Teacher, supervisor.
— Family: Husband Ron Epstein; daughter Aliyah Epstein, 7; son Joshua, 2.
— Elected experience: Elected to town council in 2016.
I am a proud, active resident of Park Ridge and I have been grateful to serve on the town council for the past three years.
I am running for reelection because I want to continue the great work our mayor and council been doing for the past couple of years. I am proud to be a part of a group that has prioritized the fight to prevent overdevelopment of our town. I support fighting overdevelopment by taking builders, such as Hornrock, to court to combat their desire to force hundreds of high density housing units into our small community.
I believe in responsible growth that works for our town not. I am also excited to continue our work on building a community center in town, an intermunicipal trail, and a full-size turf football field for our residents to use.
I have been supportive in the endeavor to make Park Ridge a town that families enjoy being in because we offer so much for them to do. In addition, I supported lowering the speed limit on Park Avenue to 25 mph and a PSA on pedestrian safety.
As a wife, mother, and educator in town I have a strong interest in making sure Park Ridge is the best community to live in. I seek to address resident concerns and pursue solutions to the many issues we face.
I am dedicated to my work as a public servant and hope to earn the vote of Park Ridge residents Nov. 5.
—Kelly Epstein
Robert C. Metzdorf*

— Party: Democratic.
— Age: Didn’t answer.
— Years of residency: 23.
— Career: Corpsman, U.S. Army; investigator, State of New Jersey; attorney at law.
— Degrees and certifications: Graduate of Rutgers Law School.
— Family: Wife, Janet; twin sons Dylan and Wyatt.
— Elected experience: Councilman.
My wife Janet and I moved to Park Ridge over 23 years ago. We raised our twin sons in the community and early on I became active as a coach in baseball, football and basketball. I focused a significant part of my life to help the youth of our town and our community.
I’ve served on the Planning Board and Recreational Committee and since January 2017 as a councilman. It’s been an honor.
Since becoming a councilman, our town was confronted with an issue that’s greater than any other issue since I’ve lived here. Hornrock Development Company [Hornrock Properties] has sought to redevelop our corporate park and build over 900 apartment units. Early on it became very clear that such a development would destroy Park Ridge. The mayor and council decided to vigorously fight the overdevelopment of our town. We have pledged to fight for the future of Park Ridge. We have hired attorneys and planners to fight on our behalf against the destruction of our corporate park and town.
The safety of pedestrians is a top priority for me and our council. Concerned with Park Avenue, we petitioned the county to lower the speed limit to 25 mph. I asked PKRG-TV and the police department to create a video to better educate pedestrians and drivers to be safe.
The mayor and I recently met with Street Smart-NJ and we’ll be starting a new street safety campaign soon. I’d like to finish what we’ve started and respectfully ask for your vote on Nov. 5!
—Robert Metzdorf
Joshua A. Nathanson

— Party: Republican.
— Age: 31.
— Years of residency: 2.
— Career: Law and finance.
— Degrees and certifications: University at Albany B.A.; St. John’s University School of Law, J.D. Rutgers University M.B.A. Finance
— Family: Didn’t answer.
— Elected experience: None.
I am running for Park Ridge town council to help to do what is best for the borough. I want to help the people and students of Park Ridge, not political party views. I will stand up for what is fair and best for all of Park Ridge.
Park Ridge is a great place to live because of the investments its residents and responsible business have made in our town.
I will work tirelessly to ensure Park Ridge attracts responsible business and corporations that will be as invested in our community as the residents.
My goal is to maintain and improve the excellent school system. I will fight to make sure our students are in appropriate class size and setting.
Together I believe we can preserve Park Ridge.
—Joshua A. Nathanson
Sample Ballot