River Vale Memorial Day Service May 25

Patriotic volunteers sought for next events

RIVER VALE—The community is invited to honor and remember the sacrifices of our servicemen and -women at a Memorial Service on Saturday, May 25 at Veterans Memorial Park, behind Town Hall, starting at 10:30 a.m. The event is expected to last 60–90 minutes. In case of rain, the service will be moved to the Council Chambers at Town Hall.

This year’s service features guest speaker SSgt. Bill Peters, a River Vale resident and CERT volunteer who served in the U.S. Army during the Vietnam War. Peters will share his experiences and reflections on what Memorial Day means to him.

The ceremony will also include a 21-gun salute by the 4th Battalion New Jersey Volunteers, who will be dressed in period costumes, adding a historical touch to the proceedings. Other highlights include a roll call, a flag ceremony conducted by local scouts, and a special message from a Girl Scout who spearheaded the town’s new memorial banner project for her Gold Award.

Music students from Pascack Valley High School will perform the national anthem and play taps on the bugle. Donuts and coffee will be served, and all are welcome to attend and pay their respects.

In addition to this event, the township is seeking residents willing to share their experiences at future Memorial Day ceremonies, the annual 9/11 candlelight vigil, and a new Veterans Day event being planned for later this year. Volunteers to assist in planning the Veterans Day event are also welcome.

If you or anyone you know may be interested in contributing to these programs in River Vale, please contact Amy Salib (culturalaffairs2@rivervalenj.org) or Rachel Galatt (culturalaffairs1@rivervalenj.org).