Saddle Brook Resident Opposes Deer Hunting

Deer overpopulation caused a spike in local motor vehicle accidents in 2018, River Vale officials have said. | NJDEP photo


The New Jersey Division of Fish and Wildlife (DFW) is promoting deer hunting throughout the state. Bergen County is their next target. They are a hunter-backed agency. DFW does not care about the safety of the residents, when razor sharp arrows are fired at deer. Deer will bleed out for 24 to 48 hours, before dying a horrific death. Deer die a slow painful death, with the average time of death measured in agonizing days and possibly weeks.

A doe or buck could wander and perish in someone’s backyard, since the “safety” buffer zone is 150 ft. What happens when a child witnesses the horrific brutality of bow hunting? 

Densely populated Bergen County should never allowing deer culling, another word for deer hunting, in any town. Fortunately, there are many nonlethal conflict management tools at our disposal if and when needed. The purpose of a humane, nonlethal deer program is a reduction in deer breeding rates. DFW’s promotion of baiting throughout the state lead to the does breeding earlier and producing more fawns for sport hunting. Bow hunting does not reduce the fertility rate of deer. 

Saddle River has encountered numerous problems by allowing bow hunting on private/public properties. A Public Relations firm was hired to change the narrative in Saddle River because of deer hunting, which led to declining home sales and property values and more homes for sale in Saddle River.

Apparently, River Vale is poised to go down this same path and become the next Saddle River. 

Editor’s note: River Vale officials have said they would only authorize a hunt on golf courses or appropriate non-residential spaces.

Bergen County residents are already paying outrageously high property taxes, only to see the possibility of their peaceful tranquil towns, turned into an unsafe killing field as Saddle River.

The Mayors and Council Members of Bergen County need a nonlethal regional approach. Animal Protection League of New Jersey, deer program offers a presentation that discusses safe, humane and effective solutions. 

Bow hunting is not the answer. It is the destruction of Bergen County and all the innocent deer, just passing through.

Doreen Frega,
Saddle Brook, NJ.