Save the date: May 3 is new park’s long-awaited grand opening

The Woodcliff Lake Borough Council on June 17, 2024 unanimously approved a more than $2.7 million construction contract to build a passive park on the former Galaxy Gardens site at the corner of Woodcliff Avenue and Werimus Road. Officials say “a good portion” of park construction, said soon underway at press time, will be reimbursed. WCL rendering.
The Woodcliff Lake Borough Council on June 17, 2024 unanimously approved a more than $2.7 million construction contract to build a passive park on the former Galaxy Gardens site at the corner of Woodcliff Avenue and Werimus Road. Officials say “a good portion” of park construction, said soon underway at press time, will be reimbursed. WCL rendering.

WOODCLIFF LAKE—The grand opening of the borough’s newest and long-awaited passive recreation park, located at the corner of Werimus Road and Woodcliff Avenue, is set for Saturday, May 3, officials tell Pascack Press.

A highlight of the celebration will be the unveiling of the park’s official name. Until now, it has been informally known as Galaxy Gardens Park, in reference to the former garden center that once occupied the site.

“After a decade in the making, I’m happy we were able to give the residents of Woodcliff Lake a beautiful park and open space to enjoy,” Mayor Carlos Rendo tells Pascack Press. “We took an environmentally impacted area, cleaned it up, and returned it to residents for their enjoyment.”

The borough purchased the 2.1-acre property for $1.65 million in early 2018, and invested nearly $500,000 in remediating soil contamination stemming from its prior use as a garden center and, earlier, a service station.

Councilwoman Julie Brodsky, who serves on the Parks and Recreation Committee, said, “The Borough of Woodcliff Lake is thrilled to announce that the date for the park’s grand opening is set for Saturday, May 3, at 1:30 p.m. We are very excited about this milestone and look forward to celebrating with the community.”

Brodsky noted the day will include “a special unveiling of the park’s official name, marking a significant moment for the borough.” She said several distinguished elected officials from Pascack Valley, Bergen County, and throughout New Jersey have been invited to attend.

To enhance the festivities, local musicians and student performers from the Pascack Hills High School band and chorus are scheduled to showcase their talents.

Brodsky said construction remains on schedule, with the band shell, gazebo, and park signage nearing completion. “The borough is very pleased with how the project is coming together and looks forward to welcoming residents to enjoy this wonderful new space,” she said via email March 19.

She added that the borough has “received a great response to our park bench and tree sponsorship program. Half of the available benches have already been sold, with some still remaining, though they are expected to go quickly as the grand opening approaches.”

There are still “plenty of trees available for sponsorship,” she noted, offering a meaningful opportunity “for individuals, families, or businesses to contribute to the community and leave a lasting legacy.”

A park bench sponsorship requires a $6,000 donation and lasts for 10 years. Tree sponsorships are available for $1,000 each. Donors receive a personalized plaque on their sponsored bench or tree.

Residents can find more information and sponsorship forms on the borough website at Additional details are also available in the borough’s March 2025 e-newsletter.

Brodsky added, “The borough is proud to recognize the Parks and Recreation Committee, Parks and Recreation Director Ryan Magee, and Borough Administrator Tomas Padilla, who have worked diligently to ensure that this celebration will be an amazing experience for all. Their dedication has been instrumental in bringing this project to completion.”