School calendar change, A/C upgrades, questions on demographics, new sidewalk, more in WWRSD BOE session

It's school pick-up time for this busy mom, at Westwood Regional High School on Thursday, July 11, 2024. John Snyder photo.

TOWNSHIP OF WASHINGTON—Westwood Regional Schools superintendent Jill Mortimer reached out to families on July 17 with an update from the July 11 school board meeting. She touched on the school calendar, class sizes, air conditioning upgrades, notes on Washington School, and the high school tennis courts.

The board also heard, from Dr. Bronwen Calderón, director of secondary education/district testing coordinator, a presentation on the local results of the New Jersey Graduation Proficiency Assessment (NJGPA), which by statute was administered to all 11th-grade students and measures readiness for graduation in English Language Arts (ELA) and mathematics; and discussed district and board goals. (Stories to come.)

School Calendar

The Board of Education adopted a revised 2024–2025 school calendar at its July 11 meeting. The new calendar reflects two, not three, snow days. Therefore, said Mortimer, if the district does not use its snow days next year, the most days it will “get back” around Memorial Day is two. For a full explanation of how this will work, click here.

Class sizes

The district has 212 kindergarten students registered for September. “The size of the incoming class is comparable to what we typically see,” said Mortimer. “Overall, we are well within the parameters for class sizes that are outlined in the BoE’s Class Size Regulation.”

George and Washington schools alternate having a third section. “This year, it was Washington’s turn to do so. According to the Class Size Policy, once the size of a class reaches 22 students, an aide is assigned. Please note the chart above [in her email] lists the average class size, not the actual class size. Our numbers are fluid right up until a few days prior to the start of school. Some students withdraw for various reasons, and some new students register. Aides, if needed, will be hired at the end of August.”

Mortimer said the district is “in the process of obtaining an updated demographic study to determine whether it is necessary to add on to one of the elementary schools. We cannot make that decision without knowing our projected enrollment trends. Preliminary work was done in that our architect created a rendering of adding on to Washington School. The BoE’s Finance & Facilities Committee will discuss this topic throughout the 24/25 school year.”

Progress on HVAC (Air Conditioning) Upgrades

Business Administrator Keith Rosado provided a lengthy update on the air conditioning installation projects in our various elementary schools at the board meeting. Mortimer’s overview:

  • Brookside: The units have been hoisted onto the roof and the old univents have been removed. While the needed infrastructure will be in place by September, we are not guaranteeing the air conditioning will be functioning by then. While September is our goal, it may not be up and running until Spring 2025.
  • Washington: The needed electrical upgrade has been completed. The BoE approved Phase 2 of the project (the units) at their July meeting. The architect’s bid specs will go out in November/December, and the start date for the installation of the infrastructure is next summer.
  • Berkeley: We are working with the electrician by engaging in logistical planning for getting the needed equipment in the schools.
  • George: We are in the process of building a new electrical closet with exterior access and an expanded storage area for the cafeteria tables. That work will be completed by the start of school in September.
  • Electrical conduit will be run in both Berkeley and George during the 24/25 school year.

Washington School Updates

At the July meeting, the BoE approved a $69,432 contract with a company that will perform sidewalk replacement in the front of the school.

In addition, the BoE approved a contract for $111,250 for asbestos abatement for the pipes in the hallway tunnels in the K-2 wing. This work will take place this summer.

Similar asbestos abatement work was done in the grades 3-5 wing last November.

Mortimer said, “The asbestos abatement relates to the HVAC project because it will allow the workers free access to the tunnels that are currently closed off. Washington School is also getting new lighting fixtures in the hallways, and the hallways will be painted this summer. One classroom will be painted each weekend as well. We paint the schools on a rotating basis, and it is now Washington’s turn for a spruce up. We are committed to replacing the sink cabinets in the classrooms, yet the estimated cost of $130,000 may require them to be done in stages rather than all at once.”

High School Tennis Courts

The high school’s tennis courts will be milled at the end of July or early August. The new material will need to cure for six weeks before we can put color on it. Therefore, all girls tennis games at the beginning of the season will be away games.

Mortimer said, “We are listening to the feedback we are hearing, and we are hard at work this summer!”