PARK RIDGE—As warmer days bring more neighbors outdoors, Mayor Keith J. Misciagna is asking residents to embrace two key initiatives this spring: one, to care for and respect the shared spaces that make Park Ridge special; and two, to support the vital work of Meals on Wheels North Jersey as it serves the region’s most vulnerable residents.
Keep Park Ridge Clean and Courteous
The mayor’s seasonal message, March 21, begins with a reminder to take care of local parks and fields, which have seen increased use with the arrival of spring. Litter—from candy wrappers to fast-food containers—is being left behind, despite the availability of trash receptacles.
“Water bottles, candy wrappers, fast-food containers and just general trash should not be left on our fields,” Mayor Misciagna wrote. “There are trash receptacles everywhere.”
He also urges drivers to slow down and stay alert, especially in residential areas where children are playing. “We never know when that one child will run into the street chasing a ball,” he said. “Please slow down, put down the phones and obey our local street limits.”
Another point of concern: residents and children using private property as public passageways. “Please avoid cutting through people’s backyards,” he wrote. “While it may seem like a shortcut, trespassing on private property can be disruptive and, in some cases, unsafe.”
The call is simple: be good neighbors. Respect public spaces, private boundaries, and each other.
March for Meals: Support #SaveLunch
Misciagna also lifted up Woodcliff Lake-based Meals on Wheels North Jersey, which is marking the 21st anniversary of March for Meals, a national campaign recognizing senior nutrition programs established through the Older Americans Act.
This year’s theme—#SaveLunch—highlights the urgent need for community support.
Meals on Wheels does more than deliver food. Volunteers and staff provide daily check-ins, often serving as the only point of human contact for homebound and disabled adults. When clients can’t be reached, volunteers work with local police to conduct formal wellness checks—interventions that have, in some cases, saved lives.
But as Misciagna noted, the program is not free. Meals on Wheels North Jersey is a nonprofit that relies on donations and volunteer support to continue its mission of helping seniors age in place with dignity and independence.
Visit mealsonwheelsnorthjersey.org/meals or call 201-358-0050 to volunteer, donate, or request assistance for a loved one.
Other Notes to Residents
Student Poll Workers Wanted
The Bergen County Board of Elections is seeking students aged 16 and older to serve as poll workers for the June 10 Primary Election. Students age 16–17 will work 8-hour shifts for $160; 18-year-olds must be registered voters and work the full day, earning $300. All participants also receive $50 for training.
Training is approximately 2.5 hours and will be held either at the high school or at One Bergen County Plaza in Hackensack. Interested students may call 201-336-6225 or email:
rmiller@co.bergen.nj.us, aperez@co.bergen.nj.us, or mraymundo@co.bergen.nj.us.
Park Ridge Seniors: Join the Golden Age Club
Park Ridge seniors—and even former residents—are invited to join the Golden Age Social Club, which meets Tuesdays from noon to 3:30 p.m. at the Park Ridge Elks Lodge, 13 Sulak Lane. Activities include bingo, book club, games, guest speakers, and ethnic food events on the fourth Tuesday of each month. The venue is wheelchair accessible and parking-friendly.
For more info, call Brenda Yanni at 201-410-7981 or Park Ridge Borough Hall at 201-573-1800.
Summer Camp & Volunteer Opportunities
- Park Ridge Summer Camp runs June 23–July 25. Details and registration info are coming soon.
Interested in becoming a Day Camp Counselor? Submit your application to Borough Hall or to Mrs. Avery by Friday, April 4 at 4 p.m. - The Park Ridge Recreation Department is looking for Middle School and High School students to help with events (great for community service hours). Call 201-573-1800 ext. 521 or email recreation@parkridgeboro.com.
- Tri-Boro Ambulance is also seeking volunteers. Call 201-391-2332 to learn more.
- PKRG-TV needs help filming local sports events. No experience required—training provided! Email pkrg@parkridgeboro.com.
Upcoming Events in Park Ridge
- PRAA Gear Swap
Saturday, March 22 – Drop-off: 10 a.m.–12 p.m.; Swap: 1–3 p.m.
Location: Community Center
More info on Instagram: @park_ridge_athletics - PRHS Spring Musical – Into the Woods
March 28 & 29 at 7 p.m., March 30 at 2 p.m.
Adults: $18 | Students/Seniors: $13 - Free Senior Show: Into the Woods
Wednesday, March 26 at 1 p.m.
Park Ridge High School – Arrive by 12:30 p.m.
Handicap access and elevator available. - Texas Hold’em Night
Friday, March 21 at 7 p.m.
Park Ridge Elks Lodge – Register at mikespokertables.com - Troop 80 Pancake Breakfast
Sunday, March 23 | 8:30 a.m.–12:30 p.m.
Park Ridge Elks Lodge – Buy tickets early:
Spring Recreation Programs
- Junior Golf (Grades K–8) – March 26–June 4
- Youth Tennis (Grades 1–8) – March 25–June 10
- Foundation & Intermediate Chess – April 23–June 11
- Women’s Volleyball, Men’s Basketball, and Zumba
- Spring into Kids Yoga (Grades K–2) – Mondays, March 24–May 5, 4–5 p.m.
Location: Community Center
To register: Call 845-573-3293 or email paulsyogalife@gmail.com
Visit www.parkridgeboro.com or call 201-573-1800 ext. 521 for details.
Spring Festivities
- Lunch with the Bunny
Saturday, April 5 | 11:30 a.m.–1:30 p.m.
Hosted by Greater Pascack Valley Women’s Club and Elks Lodge #2234
$10 per child under 10, $15 for 10 and older
Call 201-822-1397 for details. - Annual Egg Hunt
Saturday, April 12 at 11 a.m. (Rain date: April 13)
Davies Memorial Field behind Borough Hall
Bring a food pantry donation if you can—and your camera for photos with Peter Cottontail!
DARE Golf Outing
- Monday, April 28 at Patriot Hills Golf Club
$250 per golfer (includes lunch and dinner)
Contact PO Manning at jmanning@parkridgepolice.com or PO Panagi at SPanagi@parkridgepolice.com
Memorial Day Parade
- Monday, May 26
Assembly: 10:30 a.m. at the Montvale Firehouse
For info or to participate, email njpost153parade100@gmail.com or call 201-391-9754
Food Pantry Reminder
The Tri-Boro Food Pantry continues to need donations.
Drop off Tuesdays or Thursdays, 9–11 a.m., or leave items in the Borough Hall lobby during business hours. To coordinate a special drop-off, call 201-573-9083.