HILLSDALE, N.J.—St. John the Baptist R.C. Church invites you to its Fair Trade Sale/Order Event Nov. 23 and 24 in the Msgr. Morris Parish Center Vianney Room following the weekend Masses.
A good selection of holiday ornaments and decorative items can be purchased on either day. Catalogs will also be handy for easy ordering.
Fair trade items are offered through SERRV, the non-profit partner with Catholic Relief Services. SERRV adheres to the fair trade standards as defined by the World Fair Trade Organization and endorsed by the Fair Trade Federation. These standards promote human dignity by ensuring fair wages, decent working conditions and long term trading partnerships.
Orders are promised to arrive in plenty of time for Christmas giving.
The parish center is at 1 Valley St.
For more information contact Edna Lord at (201) 666-9642 or ewlord@msn.com.