Students Treated to Music from China

TENAFLY, N.J.—Funded by the Tenafly Educational Foundation, Music From China recently performed in front of over 250 students at Tenafly High School.  

Founded in 1984, Music From China is a renowned New York-based chamber group performing with authentic traditional Chinese instruments. 

Executive Director and performer Susan Cheng explained the background of each musical piece as well as introducing the various instruments—including the erhu, pipa, guzheng, and daruan.   

In attendance were a large cross section of Tenafly High School students, including those studying music and Mandarin Chinese language, for the hour- long performance. 

“The intimate atmosphere of the Tenafly High School Library Media Center provided students with a unique, up-close experience,” said organizers. 

At the conclusion, Music from China was joined by the Tenafly High School Orchestra, conducted by James Millar, to perform a traditional piece entitled “Blooming Flowers and Full Moon.”  

“The title symbolizes two very different things in their fullest state—a good hope for students everywhere!” organizers said.

This unique program was broadcast live to the community and was taped for later viewing on community access television and streamed on