When you have a story idea, a news tip, or an event that you believe deserves coverage, know that the team at Pascack Press and Northern Valley Press values the voices and stories of our communities. We’re dedicated to bringing readers the most relevant and impactful news from across the Pascack Valley and Northern Valley regions, and we need your help to do it.

Copy deadlines

Here are the copy deadlines for submitting editorial material:

  • Pascack Press: The deadline for submitting editorial material for consideration in the weekend edition is noon on Wednesday. This is the latest possible time to submit; earlier submissions are strongly encouraged to ensure proper coverage.
  • Northern Valley Press: The deadline for submitting material is noon on the Wednesday prior to the first Monday of the month.

Submitting your material as early as possible increases the likelihood of it being featured and allows for better editorial planning. Note: The only way we can guarantee placement is through paid advertising.

News tips

Here’s why you should share your news tips with us:

  1. Be a Voice in Your Community: Your tips help us highlight the stories that matter most to our readers. Whether it’s a local issue, an inspiring human-interest piece, or breaking news, your insights help us keep our finger on the pulse of the community.
  2. Shine a Light on Important Issues: If there’s something happening in your neighborhood that people need to know about—be it a new development, a public safety concern, or a community triumph—our newsroom is here to amplify that message.
  3. Confidential and Respectful: We respect your privacy and are committed to handling all tips with the utmost confidentiality. Whether you wish to remain anonymous or provide more information, we’re here to listen.
  4. Help Us Serve You Better: As a reader-powered grassroots weekly newspaper, we believe that journalism is a community effort. Your tips allow us to serve the Pascack Valley and Northern Valley communities more effectively, ensuring we provide the news that matters to you.
  5. A Platform for Change: Many important stories start with a single tip. By reaching out to us, you could help bring about positive change, hold authorities accountable, or inspire others in your community.

To share a news tip, email our newsroom at pascackpress@thepressgroup.net or call our tip line at (201) 664-2105. We look forward to hearing from you and working together to bring the stories that shape our communities to light.

Pascack Press and Northern Valley Press staff writer Michael Olohan on the job at the newsroom in Westwood. File
Pascack Press and Northern Valley Press staff writer Michael Olohan on the job at the newsroom in Westwood. John Snyder photo

Press releases, milestone announcements, and requests for coverage

Here’s a quick guide for readers on how to submit press releases, milestone announcements, and requests for coverage to the Pascack Press and Northern Valley Press:

How to Submit a Press Release:

  1. Email your press release to pascackpress@thepressgroup.net.
  2. Include Key Information: Make sure to include a clear headline, the name of your organization, a concise summary of the news or event, and contact information for follow-up questions.
  3. Format: Submit the press release as a Word document or plain text within the email body. Avoid using PDFs, as they are harder to extract information from.
  4. High-Quality Images: Attach high-resolution images (300 DPI or higher) separately with clear captions and credits. Ensure you have permission to use the images.

How to Announce a Milestone:

  1. Subject Line: Clearly state the nature of your milestone (e.g., “Local Resident Celebrates 100th Birthday”).
  2. Provide Details: Include names, dates, locations, and a brief description of the milestone.
  3. Photos: If available, send a photo with a caption and photo credit. See below for more detailed information.

Requesting Coverage:

  1. Pitch the Story: Send a brief email with the subject line “Story Idea: [Your Topic]” to pascackpress@thepressgroup.net.
  2. Key Points: Describe why the story is newsworthy, the event’s date, location, and time, and provide any available spokespeople for interviews.
  3. Deadlines: Submit your request at least two weeks in advance to ensure enough time for coverage planning.

By following these steps, you help us feature your news accurately and effectively in the Pascack Press and/or Northern Valley Press.

Letters to the Editor

Pascack Press invites signed, respectful letters to the editor on timely local topics, up to 400 words. We may edit for length and clarity or request revisions and reserve the right to decline any submission based on our needs and space. Please include your name and phone number (for verification only); anonymous letters will not be published. Submit by noon on Wednesday—earlier is appreciated—to pascackpress@thepressgroup.net.


When submitting photos to Pascack Press or Northern Valley Press, we encourage images that are lively, engaging, and help tell a story that resonates with our readers. Here are guidelines to consider:

Content Guidance/Photographer Tips:

  1. Capture the Moment: Focus on moments that convey emotion, action, or a strong narrative. Photos that tell a story—whether it’s a community event, local achievement, or a compelling visual of an issue—are most effective.
  2. Show Faces and Expressions: Photos featuring people should capture genuine expressions and interactions. Images with identifiable faces and candid moments can connect more deeply with readers.
  3. Consider the Lighting: We often receive snapshots where subjects are either overexposed by harsh overhead lighting, creating unflattering shadows, or underexposed due to strong backlighting from sunlight or windows. To avoid this, consider using your camera’s flash to fill in and balance the exposure. If you’re responsible for taking pictures for your group or club, take some time to practice using the flash to achieve better-lit and more balanced photos.
  4. Provide Context: Ensure your photos provide context to the news or feature story. A strong photo complements the article and adds to the reader’s understanding.
  5. Try Something New: We encourage photos that capture genuine moments and interactions rather than staged “firing-squad” (posed in a line against a wall) or “grip and grin” (posed handshakes and smiles) shots. Aim for dynamic, candid photos.
  6. For Better Group Photos: When you’re one photographer among many rushing up to capture a group shot—such as a team photo or a group being recognized at town hall—subjects often don’t know where to look, or look only to “their” photographer, resulting in a confused mix of gazes. To avoid this, consider holding back until others have finished taking their pictures. Then, take charge by getting all eyes on your lens. Timing is key; don’t let the group disband until you’ve captured your shot. It’s a skill that can make a big difference, so be mindful of it.
Moments after Woodcliff Mayor Carlos Rendo swears Danielle DiPaola in as the first female mayor of Emerson, Jan. 2, 2019. Rather than standing his subjects against a plain wall at the front or side of the meeting room, Pascack Press’s photographer switched places with them, opting for a more colorful, expressive background that better tells the story visually. John Snyder.

Technical Considerations:

  1. Use the Highest Quality Setting: If you’re using a smartphone, set your camera to the highest quality or resolution available. This ensures that your photos will look clear and sharp in print.
  2. Good Lighting Matters: Make sure your photos are well-lit. Natural light is often best. Avoid photos that are too dark or too bright, as they won’t reproduce well in print.
  3. Keep It Simple: Photos with clean, simple backgrounds are more effective. A cluttered or busy background can distract from the main subject.
  4. Avoid Heavy Filters: While light editing is fine, avoid using heavy filters or extreme adjustments that change the natural look of the photo.
  5. Send as JPEG Files: When you send your photos, save them in JPEG format, which keeps a good balance between quality and file size.
  6. Avoid Thumbnails or Screenshots: When emailing photos, avoid selecting the small or thumbnail size options, as this reduces the quality. Also, avoid sending screenshots or photos of printed photos, as these typically do not reproduce well in print.

Privacy Considerations for Photos of Children:

  1. Ensure Permission: If your photos include children, please provide contact information for a parent, guardian, or school to verify consent for publication if it is not provided directly.
  2. Minimize Identifying Details: Be mindful of including too much personal information in captions. Use first names only and avoid specific details unless permission has been granted.

Submission Guidelines:

  • Include Captions: Provide a brief caption for each photo that explains who is in the photo, what is happening, where it took place, and when.
  • Credit the Photographer: Ensure that all photos are properly credited. If the photo was not taken by you, please provide permission from the photographer.
  • Deadline: Submit photos no later than noon on Wednesday to pascackpress@thepressgroup.net for consideration in the next issue.
  • Let us know if you have questions.

We’re excited to see your photos that help bring our community’s stories to life while keeping privacy and safety in mind!


Pascack Press offers free obituary listings as a community service, allowing friends and family to honor their local loved ones’ lives. We encourage submissions from local funeral homes as well as direct submissions from families:

Submission Deadline:

  • All obituary submissions must be received by 11 a.m. on Wednesday to be considered for inclusion in the upcoming edition. Obituaries received after this time, or if space is simply not available, will be included in the following week’s edition.

Submission Guidelines:

  1. Essential Information:
    • Full name of the deceased (including maiden name, if applicable).
    • Date of birth and date of passing.
    • Brief overview of the person’s life, including key milestones, career highlights, community involvement, and personal passions.
    • Surviving family members (e.g., spouse, children, grandchildren, siblings) and predeceased relatives.
  2. Service Information:
    • Include details of visitation, funeral services, and burial arrangements, along with dates, times, and locations. If services are private or have already occurred, please mention this.
  3. Personal Touches:
    • We welcome personal anecdotes, reflections, and messages that capture the essence of the person’s life and legacy. This can be a special memory, a favorite saying, or details about hobbies and passions.
  4. Photos:
    • We welcome a high-resolution photo to accompany the obituary, but it’s not required. Please provide the photo as an attachment in .jpg or .png format. This can be a recent image or a cherished photo from earlier years.
  5. Length:
    • We recommend keeping obituaries between 250 to 500 words. This allows room for a meaningful tribute while ensuring readability for our readers.

How to Submit:

  • Email your completed obituary and any accompanying photo to pascackpress@thepressgroup.net by the stated deadline. Include your contact information in case we need to verify any details.

Our Condolences: We extend our deepest condolences to all families and friends who have lost a loved one. It is an honor to help you share their story with our community.