TOWNSHIP OF WASHINGTON, N.J.—Two easements for road widening and one for temporary construction activity are under threat of eminent domain under an ordinance introduced at the April 5 Township Council meeting.
A public hearing is likely April 19, though an official date was not posted.
The easements comprise the three remaining easements needed in order for the county to begin work on the long-stalled Pascack Road–Washington Avenue intersection improvement project.
Initially, the council identified 13 property easements it needed to obtain in October. Mayor Peter Calamari and Township Attorney Kenneth Poller had been negotiating with property owners for at least six months prior to October and continued through this year.
Council introduced the eminent domain ordinance 3–0, with Council President Stacey Feeney, member Desserie Morgan, and newly returned member Tom Sears in favor. Members Steven Cascio and Michael DeSena were absent.
Seven lot easements were acquired via negotiation with 660 Pascack Realty in late February, with the township paying $158,000 to acquire them. 660 Pascack Realty is owned by James Kourgelis, owner of Seasons Catering.
According to the ordinance, three easements—one at 680 McKinley Ave., one at 689 Pascack Road, and one at 667 McKinley Ave.—remain unresolved and under threat of eminent domain acquisition.
In mid-March, Calamari said progress was being made on acquiring at least two of the three outstanding easements, including 667 and 680 McKinley Ave.
The county required township officials to acquire all property needed before it could begin the extensive improvement project, which was planned under a shared services agreement that officials signed in mid-2019.
The SSA’s authorization was delayed until December 2019 due to Poller’s request for another review by the town engineer, and document edits.
A final condition was added to the agreement that requires the township to pay for any new traffic signals needed at the under-construction emergency services building, which will accommodate the fire department and ambulance corps.