PASCACK VALLEY—Four of five Pascack Valley mayors up for reelection will likely face challenges this November based on Primary Election candidates running in opposing parties. An incumbent Republican mayor will need to mount a write-in campaign due to a problem with filing petitions he submitted.
The filing deadline was 4 p.m., Monday, March 27 for all Primary Election candidates. This year’s Primary Election is Tuesday, June 6, with early voting June 2–4. This year’s General Election is Tuesday, Nov. 7.
Woodcliff Lake
Two-term Woodcliff Lake Republican Mayor Carlos Rendo announced March 27 on his Facebook Live that the petitions he submitted to run for reelection were found “insufficient” and “defective” and his name — and running mates’ names — would not be appearing on the Primary Election ballot on June 6. He called the petition problem a “snafu” for his campaign.
His running mates will be Julie Brodsky and Joshua Stern, he announced.
“I can’t explain it right now but we’re going through this investigation to find out why the petitions were defective,” said Rendo on Facebook Live, archived on his mayor’s Facebook page.
“I’m not happy about it. So if you don’t see our names on the ballot, not to worry. We’re going to engage in a massive vote-by-mail campaign to get our names on the ballot,” Rendo said.
Borough Clerk Debbie Dakin told Pascack Press that the petition for the Republican candidates did not include the minimum of 25 valid, registered Republican voter signatures.
She said if Rendo’s team each receives at least 25 or more valid Republican signatures during a write-in campaign for the Primary Election — and receives the most Republican votes — their names will be placed on the General Election ballot.
On March 28, Rendo told Pascack Press that his team “sees this as a positive opportunity to get more Republicans to vote by mail ballots. It’s an opportunity to energize the base and get them to vote by mail.”
Rendo said this reelection effort would be his last term as mayor if successful. Rendo also ran for lieutenant governor with Republican gubernatorial candidate Kim Guadagno’s 2017 campaign. They lost to Gov. Phil Murphy and Lt. Gov. Sheila Oliver.
On the Democratic Primary Election ballot are for mayor, Nancy T. Gross, a former councilwoman; and for council, Jared R. Shapiro and incumbent Richard A. Schnoll.
Park Ridge
In Park Ridge, incumbent Democratic Mayor Keith Misciagna will be on the Primary ballot with Democrat incumbent Robert C. Metzdorf and former councilman Michael Mintz.
Running to oppose Misciagna in November, Republicans have nominated Liza M. Falato-Lau for mayor, and incumbent councilmen William Fenwick and John Cozzi for reelection.
In Montvale, Republican Mayor Mike Ghassali filed for reelection, along with incumbent council members Theresa Cudequest and Douglas Arendacs.
On the Democratic Primary ballot are Elizabeth Gloeggler for mayor. For council: Alison Barnes and Daniel Galeon.
In Hillsdale, former Republican councilman Frank Pizzella, a leading voice for redevelopment and downtown rehabilitation, filed to run for mayor. Incumbent Republican Mayor John Ruocco, who has battled with the Republican council majority, has filed to run for council, along with Republican newcomer Clemente Osso.
Hillsdale’s Democratic chairman, Michael Sheinfield, has filed to run for mayor.
No Democratic council candidates are on the ballot.
In Westwood, incumbent Republican Mayor Ray Arroyo filed for reelection. He will be running along with incumbent Republican councilman Christopher Montana and newcomer Lauren Letizia.
On the Democratic side, no mayoral candidates filed.
Incumbent Democratic councilwoman Erin Collins is running for reelection; Lesley Whyard is running for a seat on the council.
In Emerson, council Republican incumbents Michael Timmerman and Ashley Rice both filed for reelection in the Primary, while Democrats Jose Organ and Julia Guttilla appear on the ballot.
Township of Washington
In Township of Washington, the Primary Election features two incumbent Republican council candidates, Desserie Morgan and Stacey DeMarco-Feeney. Republican newcomer George Toole fills the third seat opening, with councilman Steven Cascio not tapped to vie in the primary. The Republican team runs under the banner “Republicans For Responsible Government.”
[Edited March 31] Cascio told us on March 31, “As as sitting council person, they are usually asked if that council person would like to run again. I was not asked by the town’s county committee. When I requested to be put up on the ballot for consideration, I was not selected over the newcomer, Mr. O’Toole. … As to whether I will run in the General Election, that has not been determined…”
River Vale
Only River Vale does not have any local Primary races.
The Primary Election allows registered Democratic and Republican voters to select the candidates to represent their parties in the November General Election. Unaffiliated voters can only vote in a primary by declaring a party affiliation — Republican or Democrat — prior to Primary Election day. (Consult your municipal clerk or the Bergen County Clerk’s Office for details.)
May 30 is the deadline to apply for a mail-in ballot by mail for the June 6 Primary Election. Mail-in ballots can be mailed or dropped off in one of the approved ballot drop boxes located around Bergen County by 8 p.m. on June 6, Primary Election day.