RIVER VALE—The River Vale Joint Planning Board is gearing up for anticipated litigation following its recent decision to deny Incandescent Development, LLC’s proposal for a 52-unit townhouse complex at 691-693 Rivervale Road.
In a move underscoring its commitment to River Vale’s zoning standards, the board passed a resolution Oct. 16 authorizing its defense should the developer pursue legal action.
The project’s requested variances and density sparked strong opposition from residents who raised concerns over traffic, school impact, and neighborhood character. The board sided with residents, determining the project was incompatible with the area’s single-family zoning.
(For more, see “‘No’ to townhome development, and here’s why…” by Michael Olohan on Oct. 28, 2024.)
At the same meeting, held at Town Hall’s Council Chambers, board members took up several other business items, including applications for property improvements and site plan amendments. Here’s a rundown of the board’s decisions and discussions:
Property Improvement Applications
- Andrade Residence (792 Rivervale Road) – The board reviewed an application requesting bulk “C” variances for a front-yard fence and patio installation alongside an in-ground pool.
- Lake Tappan Village, LLC (650 Rivervale Rd.) – Lake Tappan Village presented a preliminary and major site plan application, seeking use and bulk variances and permissions for major soil movement. The proposal aims to redevelop a significant site within River Vale.
Other Resolution Approvals
- Florentine Inc. (97 Rivervale Road) – The board approved an amendment to an existing site plan, allowing adjustments for bulk variances.
- Guerriero Property (376 Rivervale Road) – An extension was granted for a previously approved resolution, permitting additional time for modifications to a non-conforming structure, along with adjustments to accessory structures and setback requirements.
The board’s next meeting is set for Nov. 13 at 7:30 p.m., when it will continue deliberations on land-use applications and the township’s development future.